Writing Center (WRIT)


The Writing Center supports all North Park undergraduate students in their search for meaningful lives of significance by lending concrete assistance in learning and practicing writing as a process of learning. Student Writing Advisors, trained in WRIT 2100, work one-on-one with all students in Core Curriculum seminar courses, and are available to all other undergraduates on a drop-in basis in the Writing Center. Two formal composition classes offer more intensive instruction and training. Enrollment in current WRIT classes is by placement only; contact the Writing Coordinator for consultation.

WRIT 1000 Fundamentals of Composition (4 sh)

Specific instruction and intensive practice in written expression. Review of conventions of grammar and usage. Study of the composing process, thesis development, and essay structure. Enrollment by placement. A grade of C- or higher is required to enroll in CORE 1000. Developmental courses do not count toward the 120 semester hour graduation requirement but do count towards full-time enrollment status.

WRIT 1050 College Composition (4 sh)

Students are issued credit for writing effectively within a range of rhetorical contexts and for demonstrated competence in critical thinking and reading. Enrollment by placement and/or consent of the Writing Center.

WRIT 2100 Tutoring Writing (0-2 sh)

Intended to train Writing Advisors for their work in the Writing Center, this seminar introduces and exercises theoretical concepts, pedagogical methods, and practical strategies useful as a foundation for peer response and tutoring of writing. This course is restricted to students who have been accepted as an apprentice Writing Advisor.

WRIT 5000 Writing for the Professions (1 sh)

A program of workshops (4 workshops) and one-on-one instruction (8 sessions) designed to ensure competence in writing commensurate with the demands of graduate studies.