Incomplete Grades

Incomplete (I)

A student will receive an Incomplete (I) when course work cannot be completed by the end of the semester due to illness and/or unforeseeable circumstances and the instructor believes the reason to be valid. A grade of Incomplete should not be awarded because of neglect on the part of the student. Students have one term in which to finish courses graded with an Incomplete. An Incomplete is computed as a failure until it is changed by the instructor of the course. Change of grade forms must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than the due date of grades for the subsequent regular term (Fall or Spring). Upon receipt of the change of grade, the student’s transcript will reflect both the Incomplete grade and final grade (e.g., IB+). Grades of I which are not completed in one term will be changed to a letter grade of F.

No Grade (NG)

A student will receive a No Grade (NG) when coursework cannot be completed by the end of a semester in courses such as Student Teaching (EDUC 4130), Athletic Training Practicum, Internship (4970), or Independent Study (4910). The completion deadline for the coursework is determined by the instructor in the course. The grade of NG will not affect the student’s grade point average.