Internship Program

For North Park University interns, Chicago is an occupational laboratory.

The city’s lively business community and extensive cultural resources offer opportunities for students in all areas of study to work in jobs appropriate to their disciplines and career interests. Internships may also be arranged throughout the United States and overseas.

Students interested in an internship must submit an application to the Career Development Office. Acceptance into the program is based on: (1) attainment of third-year or fourth-year status (including at least 30 semester hours earned at North Park University); (2) a major GPA of 2.5 or more (some departments have more rigorous requirements; please refer to individual department entries); and (3) results of interviews with the Career Development staff and faculty sponsor. A faculty sponsor helps the intern identify activities, learning goals, and projects to be performed, and evaluates and grades the intern. Grading is done on a pass/fail basis. No more than 8 semester hours of internship may be applied toward graduation. Tuition is charged as for any other course.

The internship program is designed to help students (1) recognize and appreciate the relevance and value of a liberal arts education for career preparation; (2) combine classroom studies with direct involvement in a potential life-long occupation; (3) have a better idea of their strengths, weaknesses, and future needs in terms of knowledge and skills; (4) clarify vocational goals; and (5) make potential contacts for future employment.