M.S. Degree in Athletic Training

Required Semester hours

60 sh in Core Courses

Course requirements

EXS 5000Intro to Athletic Training Practice


EXS 5010Athletic Training Clinical Skills Lab


EXS 5200Practicum I


EXS 5210Practicum II


EXS 5220Practicum III


EXS 5230Clinical Intensive


EXS 5240Practicum IV


EXS 5300Orthopedic Assessment I


EXS 5310Orthopedic Assessment II


EXS 5320Assessment of General Medical Conditions


EXS 5400Therapeutic Interventions


EXS 5410Therapeutic Interventions II


EXS 5500Athletic Training Administration


EXS 5600BOC Exam Prep/Career Development


EXS 5610Athletic Training Capstone


Progress and Retention

MSAT students must receive a “C” or better in all required courses. Due to the sequential nature of the curriculum, failure to procure a “C” or better in any course will result in the student’s failure to matriculate. The student will then have to retake that class before continuing the sequence. The student must express their interest in joining the following year’s cohort in writing one-week prior to registration for the semester of re-admittance to the athletic training curriculum.

Students must supply their own transportation for off-campus clinical rotations. Additional expense for athletic training attire and/or equipment. Due to the complexity of the clinical rotation schedule, there is no guarantee that a student-athlete will be able to participate in intercollegiate athletics while taking courses; A criminal background check may be required at student’s expense; Student must adhere to the Athletic Training Student Handbook located on the Athletic Training website; Students may be required to be a student member of NATA; Students must stay up to date with their vaccinations while enrolled in the Athletic Training program; Students must maintain individual health insurance.

EXS 5000 Introduction to Athletic Training Practice (4 sh)

This course will introduce students to athletic training practice through the exploration of the core competencies for healthcare professionals and the educational domains of athletic training. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance to the MSAT program.

EXS 5010 Athletic Training Clinical Skills Lab (4 sh)

This course will introduce students to foundational clinical skills necessary for athletic training practice including but not limited to: vitals assessment, emergency management techniques, and preventative wrapping and taping. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance to the MSAT program.

EXS 5200 Practicum I (4 sh)

A course designed to formally structure clinical experience (time by arrangement) in a North Park University athletic training facility. Will include observation, fieldwork and practical experience under the direct supervision of an athletic trainer (AT). Emphasis is on prevention and diagnosis of injuries and incorporating evidence into clinical practice. Prerequisite: EXS 5000, EXS 5320, EXS 5010. Co-requisite: EXS 5300, EXS 5400.

EXS 5210 Practicum II (4 sh)

A course designed to formally structure clinical experience (time by arrangement) in a North Park University athletic training facility or an affiliated high school athletic training facility will include observation, fieldwork and practical experience under the direct supervision of an athletic trainer (AT). Emphasis is on the clinical decision-making process as part of the evaluation process, emergency medicine and nutrition. Prerequisite: EXS 5200, EXS 5300, EXS 5400. Co-requisite: EXS 5310, EXS 5410.

EXS 5220 Practicum III (4 sh)

A course designed to formally structure clinical experience (time by arrangement) at an affiliated sports medicine clinic, physician's office or hospital system. Will include observation, fieldwork and practical experience under the direct supervision of a licensed health care provider. Emphasis is on the rehabilitation process, psychosocial considerations and pharmacology. Prerequisite: EXS 5210, EXS 5310, EXS 5410. Co-requisite: EXS 5500.

EXS 5230 Clinical Intensive (8 sh)

A course focused on incorporating research and evidence-based practice into a clinical intensive environment (time by arrangement) at an affiliated site. Instruction will occur online to accommodate accreditation guidelines for "clinical intensive". The clinical intensive experience will include observation, fieldwork and practical experience under the direct supervision of a licensed health care provider. Prerequisite: EXS 5220, EXS 5500.

EXS 5240 Practicum IV (4 sh)

A course designed to formally structure clinical experience (time by arrangement) at a North Park University athletic training facility or an affiliated high school athletic training facility. Will include observation, fieldwork and practical experience under the direct supervision of an AT. Emphasis is on psychosocial considerations, nutrition and professional responsibility. Prerequisite: EXS 5230. Co-requisite: EXS 5600, EXS 5610.

EXS 5300 Orthopedic Assessment I (4 sh)

A comprehensive study of the lower extremities including the foot, ankle, knee, thigh, hip, pelvis, and spine. Injuries will be discussed from the following viewpoints: 1) prevention, 2) etiology and mechanism of injury, 3) pathology, 4) recognition and evaluation techniques, and 5) treatment. The clinical decision model will incorporate evidence-based practice. Prerequisite: EXS 5100, EXS 5320, EXS 5010. Co-requisite: EXS 5200, EXS 5400.

EXS 5310 Orthopedic Assessment II (4 sh)

A comprehensive study of the upper extremities including the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, thumb, fingers, spine, thorax, abdomen, head, and face. Injuries will be discussed from the following viewpoints: 1) prevention, 2) etiology and mechanism of injury, 3) pathology, 4) recognition and evaluation techniques, and 5) treatment. The clinical decision model will incorporate evidence-based practice. Prerequisite: EXS 5200, EXS 5300, EXS 5400. Co-requisite: EXS 5210, EXS 5410.

EXS 5320 Assessment of General Medical Conditions (4 sh)

A systems approach to the comprehensive assessment of non-musculoskeletal conditions including neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and dermatological pathology. These conditions will be discussed from the following viewpoints: 1) prevention, 2) etiology and mechanism, 3) pathology, 4) recognition and evaluation techniques, and 5) immediate and long-term intervention. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance to the MSAT program.

EXS 5400 Therapeutic Interventions I (4 sh)

This course provides an evidence-based overview of the theory and application of therapeutic interventions common to the rehabilitation of select musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the foundational theories such as physiology of injury, pain, stages of healing, altered movement as well as the exercises, modalities, and pharmacological interventions specific to the inflammatory and proliferation stages of healing. Prerequisite: EXS 5100, 5310 EXS 5010. Co-requisite: EXS 5200, EXS 5300.

EXS 5410 Therapeutic Interventions II (4 sh)

This course provides an evidence-based overview of the theory and application of therapeutic interventions common to the rehabilitation of select musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Emphasis will be placed on exercises and modalities specific to the remodeling stage of healing and for the return to participation. Special considerations for the physical rehabilitation of various anatomical segments will also be explored. Prerequisite: EXS 5200, EXS 5300, EXS 5400. Co-requisite: EXS 5210, EXS 5310.

EXS 5500 Athletic Training Administration (4 sh)

Designed to given an understanding of the planning, coordinating, and supervision of all administrative components of an athletic training program in a clinical, high school, college, professional, or industrial setting. Emphasis will be placed on facility organization and design, budgeting, legal liability, day-to-day scheduling, personnel management, record keeping and ethical considerations. Prerequisite: EXS 5210, EXS 5310, EXS 5410. Co-requisite: EXS 5220.

EXS 5600 BOC Exam Prep/Career Development (2 sh)

The course focuses on preparation for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination. Professional development, networking, job selection, and career transition is included. Prerequisite: EXS 5230. Co-requisite: EXS 5610, EXS 5240.

EXS 5610 Athletic Training Capstone (2 sh)

This course is designed to provide a finishing experience for the Master of Science in Athletic Training. In this course, students will seek to identify a pathway for continuing education, as well as, develop an aspirational goal for their professional career. Then, students will develop a project with the potential for dissemination based on their plans. The project will be presented in both written and oral formats. Students will complete this course in the last semester of their program.