Minor in Business Administration

Minor requirements

Required semester hours: 22 sh

Course requirements

Required core courses

BADM 3100, BADM 3300, BADM 3900, BADM 4100 BADM 4200; Select one from ORG 3034, ORG 4074, ORG 4094, ORG 4120

Course descriptions for ORG courses may be found under the Organizational Management and Leadership major.

GESAL Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a General Education (G.E.) requirement for the B.A.; see the General Education portion of the School of Professional Studies section of this catalog for more information.

BADM 3030 Introduction to Digital Business Systems and Technology in Organizations (4 sh)

This course addresses functional, strategic, and competitive roles of digital business systems and technology in organizations. Topics include an introduction to hardware and software, types of information systems, the analysis and improvement of information systems, management of databases and information systems, technology evaluation methodologies, and workplace issues related to technology.

BADM 3040 E-commerce: Emerging Technologies and Digital Business Practices (4 sh)

This course will cover best practices on using social media and mobile marketing to drive digital traffic and develop a competitive, e-commerce presence. Additionally, the course will focus on emerging digital technologies including development of web sites, cloud-based streaming, proliferation of software applications, payment platforms, and protection of consumers’ financial data. Lastly, this course will examine changing societal factors impacting the digital world will be covered, including the mobile, “always-on” culture and tracking of customer behavior

BADM 3100 Principles of Macro and Micro Economics (4 sh) GESAL

Focus on macro (external) and micro (internal) environments of business, and monetary and fiscal policy as applied to interest rates, growth, income and prices. The expanding role of the international economy is discussed. The ethics of business and governmental policymaking are examined.

BADM 3300 Principles of Financial Accounting (4 sh)

This course introduces the study of generally accepted accounting principles and techniques for measurement and reporting of financial information in a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. This will involve developing an understanding of the accounting cycle, transaction analysis, debits and credits, financial reporting concepts and internal control. Ethical implications of accounting decisions will also be considered.

BADM 3500 Principles of Managerial Accounting (2 sh)

This course introduces managerial accounting concepts that are relevant to decision-making. Topics include theory and practice of job cost and unit cost accounting, including job order, process and standard costing systems, variance analysis, direct and indirect costs, and budgeting. Prerequisite: BADM 3300.

BADM 3600 Digital and Social Media Marketing (4 sh)

This course will provide a survey of digital marketing tools and how they advance or hinder the goals of effective marketing. Students will engage in a detailed analysis of the various strategies used in digital marketing and assess their effective- ness in reaching the goals. Analysis will be from the vantage point of both the marketer and the consumer. In the course of these analyses, students will become familiar with the common vernacular and critical considerations needed for analyzing and applying digital marketing approaches. The course is designed to get students to think like a digital marketing professional, and to provide experiences with industry relevant digital and social media marketing tools.

BADM 3610 Digital Marketing Analytics (4 sh)

This course provides an in-depth study of how to analyze digital marketing strategies to increase web traffic flows, enhance visibility, consumer satisfaction and response rates. The course will also provide a study of web analytics technology and how businesses and organizations may use the technology to measure website traffic, enhance business presence, and conduct market research. In addition, the course will cover cost-benefit analysis, website design, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (pay per-click), Google Analytics, social media analytics, monitoring and strategy, and website usability and analytics

BADM 3700 International Business (4 sh) GESAL

This is a course designed to introduce students to international business and the role of multinational corporations (MNC) in today’s global economy. The course will address international business issues that need to be understood by managers of organizations with worldwide operations and/or plans to commence foreign operations. The course focuses on, international business issues such as; political, cultural, social, legal, economic, financial, trade and investment, regional trading blocks, role of nation state, and multi-national institutions. By the end of the course, students should gain a global perspective and be aware of the potential of international business in today’s fast changing competitive business environment.

BADM 3900 Business Law (2 sh)

An introduction to the foundational concepts in business law. Fundamental legal understanding of our system of federalism and state law, government regulation of business, and an over- view of the principles underlying the formation of contracts (including general contracts and those for the sale of goods), torts, negligence and strict liability and the various forms of business organization common in the United States.

BADM 3910 Topics in Business Administration (1-4 sh)

Intensive investigation of a selected topic in Business Administration offered from time to time at the discretion of the School of Professional Studies.

BADM 4010 Digital Ethics - Legal, Moral and Social Issues in Cybertechnology (4 sh)

This course will focus on emerging technologies and will examine the unique challenge business’ face in an online platform such as: cyberethics, governing the internet/regulation, online privacy, cybercrime, protection of intellectual property and freedom of speech & expression in cyberspace. This course will also examine the laws that govern usage of digital media and social networking, from both an end-consumer and from a business perspective, and provide a framework for making moral and ethical choices in the digital age.

BADM 4100 Foundations of Finance (4 sh)

This course covers the concepts and techniques of financial management with an emphasis on for profit corporate entities. The major focus of this course will be on valuation techniques, project analysis, the effects of markets on rate structure, and corporate financial structure. Specific topics include the time value of money, discounted cash flow techniques, internal rates of return, management of working capital, financial analysis, capital budgeting, capital structure, cost of capital, dividend policy and valuation techniques. The course will also cover acquisition and allocation of short and long-term capital. While highly quantitative in nature, this course stresses problem- solving processes, specifically in a financial context. Included in this, especially in light of North Park’s Christian heritage, we will explore how ethical considerations have affected financial decision-making and theory throughout history. Prerequisite: BADM 3300, BADM 3500.

BADM 4200 Production Management (4 sh)

Objective, constraints and processes, associated with the efficient production of goods and services. Analytical models and methods, facilities design and the design of control systems for production operations are presented. Process and systems analysis, capacity, design, inventory planning and control, queuing theory, and network models are all included in the production management science. Student must complete an undergraduate statistics course or pass proficiency testing. Prerequisite: GS 1490.

BADM 4400 Strategic Management (4 sh)

Provides a capstone experience for the business administration and organizational and management and leadership major. As such it will summarize and synthesize the various disciplines of management and will assist the student in creating a strategic future for the (business) organization. The course will examine the key dimensions of strategic management: mission determination, environmental scanning, organizational analysis, strategy selection and organizational implementation. Students will complete a summary project requiring individual and team research, quantitative data gathering and qualitative analysis in service of creating a new direction for an existing organization. Throughout, the ethical dimensions of decision-making and implementation will be emphasized. The course will allow students to apply the lessons of strategic thinking to their own career direction.

BADM 4910 Independent Study in Business Administration (1-4 sh)

Advanced independent research.

BADM 4970 Internship in Business Administration (1-8 sh)

An assignment in a business institution other than the current employer in which reflective experience is the goal. Interested students who have completed 20 hours or more in the major should apply to their academic advisor.