Minor in Counseling Psychology

Minor requirements

Students are required to meet the Introduction to Psychology requirements prior to enrolling in the minor. The minor includes the following courses for a total of 20 sh. The minor reflects counseling psychology principles as they are applied to adults within social service or organizational settings.

Required semester hours: 20 sh

Course requirements

Required core courses

5 courses taken from the following: CPSY 2010, CPSY 3020, CPSY 3030, CPSY 3800, CPSY 4050, CPSY 4060, CPSY 4070, CPSY 4120, CPSY 4130.

GESAL Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a General Education (G.E.) requirement for the B.A. or degree; see the General Education portion of the School of Professional Studies section of this catalog for more information.

CPSY 2010 Research Methods and Design (4 sh) GESAL

Designed to expose the student to how the scientific enterprise is applied to research on human development. A three-pronged focus includes research design, data collection, and the use of statistics in the analysis and interpretation of data.

CPSY 3020 Lifespan Development (4 sh)

Surveys physical, cognitive, social, moral and emotional development across the human lifespan. The course incorporates theories, methods, and research with both children and adults. Identifies moral/ethical issues and encourages the student to reflect on how such issues apply to his or her own life experiences.

CPSY 3040 Psychobiology (4 sh)

Introduces the student to the field of psychobiology. Specific content will include basic concepts, major theoretical view- points, and research findings relating to a variety of topics, such as the structure and function of neurons, the anatomy of the nervous system, lateralization and language, sleep, the regulation of internal body states, emotional behaviors and stress, and recovery from brain damage.

CPSY 3400 Social Psychology (4 sh)

Social Psychology is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. This course will serve as a general introduction to many of the principles and concepts of Social Psychology and help students apply them in practical contexts. Students will review various sociological approaches in this field that may directly and indirectly affect social phenomena. The applied nature of the course will touch the array of topics from the individual to the group level of analysis. Social Psychology bridges the gap between disciplines of Psychology, which focuses primarily on the individual, and Sociology, which focuses primarily on the group/society, thus serving students well in their later applied work. This class will culminate with students generating an assessment instrument and interviewing a peer in order to reflect on social and cultural factors that shape their life experiences.

CPSY 3800 Principles of Counseling Diverse Populations (4 sh) GESAL

Application of principles and methods which address social issues and problems related to diverse populations. Topics addressed may include law and justice, health and health care, education, and inter-group relations. Engages the student in the applications of principles and methods of counseling and social services. The student develops abilities in the areas prevention and social level interventions. Systemic and ecological theories of human behavior as they pertain to the individual and community will be discussed. The student will develop skills in interviewing, assessment, and evaluation with diverse populations.

CPSY 3910 Topics in Counseling Psychology (1-4 sh)

Intensive investigation of a selected topic in Counseling Psychology offered from time to time at the discretion of the School of Professional Studies.

CPSY 4050 Human Sexuality (4 sh) GESAL

Consideration of human sexuality from biological, psychosocial, behavioral, cultural, and religious perspectives. Particular emphasis on psychosexual development throughout the human life cycle. Critical attention given on problems and solutions that significantly affect persons and social groups.

CPSY 4040 Psychology of Religion (4 sh) GESAL

This course provides an overview of psychology’s attempt to describe and understand the religious experiences of individuals. Content of the course includes: the history of the relationship between psychology and religion; an overview of the psychological research on the study of religion; major theoretical perspectives that psychology has employed in the study of religion; and the manner in which cultural context impacts the expression of religious beliefs and practices.

CPSY 4060 Personality (4 sh)

Study of traditional and contemporary personality theory, with emphasis on theory, research methods, and assessment. Consideration of the development of personality and of whether it can or does change across the lifespan, and a critical appraisal of key personality theories from developmental and other perspectives.

CPSY 4070 Learning (4 sh)

Introduces the student to various theoretical viewpoints that explain how we learn. The basic principles of classical and operant conditioning; observational learning; and cognitive, humanistic, and radical-conscientization theories will be discussed. How these theories can be applied in the everyday settings of home, school, and work will be an important focus.

CPSY 4120 Biopsychosocial Disorders of Human Development (4 sh)

Uses a case-finding approach in a study of biopsychosocial disorders across the lifespan, particularly their assessment and treatment. Traditional categories of psychological disturbance will be discussed as well as issues associated with the duality of illness and wellness, and the legal and ethical implications of mental dysfunction.

CPSY 4400 Practicum in Counseling Psychology (4 sh) GESAL

The practicum includes observation and hands-on experience within an appropriate agency. The student will develop and/or work on a larger institutional-wide project. It involves reflection and application of theory and research learned in the classroom to practical situations in the work setting. The student will apply counseling theory and methods utilizing traditional and multicultural perspectives to inform their practice. The practicum is designed to increase the student’s knowledge related to the available resources in communities, churches, hospitals and social service agencies. The practicum is one full semester in length.