Non-Academic Grievance for Students

The purpose of the Student Non-Academic Grievance Procedure is to provide a process for students to seek resolution of disputes and grievances that does not fall within the scope of one of the other grievance processes.

At North Park University, there are a number of grievance procedures through which students can raise and seek redress for what they believe to be unfair, improper or discriminatory decisions, actions, or treatment. North Park takes all grievances seriously and follows the appropriate policy.

  1. If the matter involves an academic decision, the Student Academic Grievance Procedure applies.
  2. If the matter involves a housing or roommate concern, the Student Housing Grievance Procedure applies.
  3. If the matter involves discrimination, harassment, bias and/or sexual assault, the Title IX Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy and/or the Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy, and takes precedence over other grievance procedures that may also apply (e.g., a roommate is accused of sexual harassment).
  4. If the matter involves a parking violation, the Parking Violations Appeals process applies.
  5. If the matter involves a violation of the policies and community standards in the Student Handbook, then the Student Conduct process applies.

If none of these specific procedures applies, the non-academic grievance process may be utilized to formally identify the issue or dispute and seek its resolution. The process is outlined below. Grievances challenging decisions or actions by the Vice President for Student Engagement (for which no other specific grievance or appeal process is provided) proceed directly to Step 4.

Step 1: The aggrieved student must first confer with the staff member, faculty member, or student involved in an attempt to resolve the problem. If the student is not comfortable with first addressing the staff or faculty member you may skip to Step 2. You may also choose to report any non-academic grievance through the self-referral system (EARS).

Step 2: Unresolved grievances shall be filed in writing by the student with the appropriate staff or faculty member’s supervisor and/or human resources. In the case of a grievance against a student, the written grievance shall be presented to the Dean of Students. In consultation with the director of human resources, dean of students and/or the supervisor will conduct an inquiry and attempt to resolve the matter impartially and as quickly as possible. This step is generally concluded within ten (10) business days of the date the grievance was received.

Step 3: If the student is dissatisfied with the prior decision, the student can present the grievance, in writing, to the Vice President, Provost, or Dean, as appropriate. The grievance should be presented promptly and in no event, later than five business days after the Step 2 decision. The grievance must summarize the decision, action, or other matter being grieved and explain why it is being challenged. Copies of any related documentation shall be attached. The Vice President, Provost, Dean receiving the grievance, or a designee to whom they assign responsibility for resolving the grievance, will conduct any investigation deemed necessary, including joint meetings among the student grievant, the person who is the subject of the grievance, if any, and a University official responsible for any policy or procedure at issue. In the event of a meeting, both the grievant and any person who is the subject of the grievance may request the assistance and presence of another member of the North Park Community. The appropriate Vice President, Provost, Dean or designee will promptly render a decision.

Step 4: If the student is dissatisfied with the decision at Step 3, the student may appeal to the President of the University. The appeal must be taken no later than five business days after the prior decision and shall be in writing. The appeal must summarize the decision, action, or other matter at issue, explain why it is being challenged, and describe any prior steps of the grievance process, including the determination. Copies of any related documentation shall be attached. The President shall determine the appeal based upon the record presented, and any additional investigation the President deems appropriate. The decision of the President shall be final and binding.

The following are examples of actions that may be grieved under this policy

  • Denial of disability accommodations
  • Claims involving the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
  • Policy or procedure applied unfairly and/or in a different manner than it was applied to others;
  • Administrative error in the application of the policy or procedure

The following are examples of actions which are not subject to the non- academic grievance process policy

  • To contest an instructor’s evaluation of academic performance;
  • Academic probation, disqualification or other academic decisions by a department, college or the university;
  • University student conduct action;
  • Academic dishonesty allegations;
  • Parking citations;
  • Debt to the university;
  • Retaliation for making a complaint under any University Policy; Time Limits

Every effort will be made to settle grievances promptly. Time limitations specified in this policy may be extended by written mutual agreement. If there is no written mutual agreement to extend the time limits, and if the student fails to appeal to the next level within the specified time limits, the grievance will be deemed settled on the basis of the last decision rendered. If the University fails to act on a grievance or to notify the student of the decision at any level within the specified time limits, the student will be permitted to appeal to the next level within the time that would have been allotted had the decision been communicated within the appropriate time limit.


Retaliation is defined as adverse action against an individual who has (1) complained about alleged Prohibited Conduct or otherwise utilized a grievance process created by the University, (2) participated as a party or witness in an inquiry, investigation or hearing relating to such allegations or grievance, or (3) participated as a party or witness in a court proceeding or administrative investigation relating to such allegations. Retaliation by any member of the campus community, including students, faculty, and staff, is prohibited by state and federal law and violates North Park Policy. Retaliation is strictly prohibited.

Interim Measures

Interim measures may be available to complainant. Interim measures are temporary measures to ensure the integrity of the process and to safeguard the complainant and the University community. Such measures may include changes to academic, living, transportation, working situations and limiting or suspending access to University facilities and events or regulating continued interaction between the complainant and the subject of the complaint. If the complainant wishes to explore the possibility of interim measures, one should contact the Dean of Students or Director of Human Resources.


Any questions about the interpretation of this policy may be addressed to the Dean of Students.