ART Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

ART 1030 Two-Dimensional Design (0-1 sh)

Introduction and application of the elements of visual language. Studies in shape, color, line, texture, and value as they relate to two-dimensional art.

ART 1040 Three-Dimensional Design (2 sh)

Elements of visual language as they apply to three-dimensional art. Projects based on the study of volume, space, line, color, and texture.

ART 1100 Drawing I (2 sh) GE

Line, tone, and composition in relation to a variety of subjects, such as still-life, architecture, figure, and landscape. Media will include pencil, ink, charcoal, Conte crayon, ink wash, etc.

ART 2000 Creative Guild (0 sh)

This creative ensemble welcomes all students interested in art to register. This experience ushers students into the collaboration of art making and the organization of creative events. It fosters student interaction with and investment in Chicago’s rich artistic landscape. Activities include studio and institutional visits, service projects both on and off campus, guest speakers, performances, and discussions. Course is variable credit and repeatable. Experienced students will have the opportunity to direct projects and activities.

ART 2010 History of African Art (2 sh) GE

Study of the art produced on the continent of Africa. This course will include analysis of social and cultural traditions and how they have shaped visual arts from region to region. This course may cover art from any period, ancient through contemporary.

ART 2015 History of Renaissance and Baroque Art (2 sh) GE

Study of art produced in Europe between the years of 1400 C.E. and 1700 C.E. The course will study painting, sculpture, and architecture and will analyze the roles of the Reformation and the counter-Reformation as they impacted European Art.

ART 2016 History of Nineteenth Century Art (2 sh) GE

Study of art produced primarily in Europe and America in the nineteenth century. The course will examine various media including, but not limited to painting, photography, architecture, and sculpture. Focus will be on major movements such as Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, and Impressionism.

ART 2017 History of Early Modern Art (2 sh) GE

The art of the first half of the 20th century produced primarily in Europe and America. All forms of modern visual expression will be included but the primary focus will be upon the arts of painting, photography, sculpture, and architecture.

ART 2018 History of Contemporary Art (2 sh) GE

The art of the second half of the 20th century and the art of the 21st century. The course will study all forms of visual expression including new media as well as covering art theory. A substantial portion of the course will focus on the art produced in America but art from around the world will also be studied.

ART 2019 History of Graphic Design (2 sh) GE

The course examines the connections between Graphic Design history and contemporary design trends. Students will explore a variety of design influences through lectures, research assignments, and design exercises. Study will focus on design developments from the industrial revolution to the present.

ART 2020 Painting I (2 sh)

Development of technical and conceptual skills involved in painting. Both direct and indirect techniques are stressed in oils and acrylics. Prerequisite: ART 1030, ART 1100.

ART 2030 Sculptural Practices I (4 sh)

Investigation of media, tools, and techniques employed in ceramics, sculpture, and other three-dimensional forms of visual expression. Materials used may include stoneware clay, plaster, stone, wood, fabric, metals, and found objects.

Techniques employed may include the ceramic techniques of hand building and wheel throwing and the sculpture techniques of modeling, carving, welding, assemblage, and installation. Prerequisite: ART 1040.

ART 2040 Printmaking: Relief (2 sh)

This course is an exploration of relief woodcuts and linoleum block printing. Various approaches to relief, along with both the history and theory of the techniques, are investigated. Prerequisite: ART 1030, ART 1100.

ART 2050 Printmaking: Intaglio (2 sh)

This course explores a variety of intaglio printing processes such as etching, engraving, dry point, and aquatint. Students create plates with metal and plastic using traditional and contemporary techniques in black and white as well as color. Prerequisite: ART 1030, 1100.

ART 2060 Photography I (2 sh)

The course will introduce students to camera mechanics, digital processing techniques, and photographic criticism. Students will explore creative techniques and operations with digital cameras.

ART 2070 Ethics of Creative Practice (4 sh) GE

Creative Ethics is designed for any student whose primary focus within their discipline is creative. This course introduces students to the ethical thinking involved in creative production and its distribution. Students consider the making and distribution of artistic works as it relates to the betterment of self and community; fostering a concrete application of faith. Introducing students to various streams of making works of art and the ethical frameworks that develop around them encourages reflection on personal vocation. Familiarizing students with those communities engaged in ethical questions will help them identify their place within the larger social environment. Guest speakers and assigned readings will act as a basis for in-class discussions. Another goal of this course is researching and writing on the topic of ethics and creative production and/or distribution.

ART 2080 Introduction to Graphic Design (2 sh)

This course is an introduction to the basic principles of visual communication, including an introduction to problem-solving strategies, symbolic association, and the problem of effective communication in a global culture. Students will explore the relationships between form and content, word and image, and practice the selection, organization and presentation of information in the form of text and images. Prerequisite: ART 1030.

ART 2081 Advanced Graphic Design (4 sh)

This course considers advanced concepts in visual communication, including an introduction to user-based design theory. Students will explore the world of print media through a series of case studies, and practice single page compositions, multi- page compositions, and the integration of form, image, and text. Lab. Prerequisite: ART 1030, ART 1100, ART 2080.

ART 2100 Drawing II (2 or 4 sh)

Continuation of Drawing I with the human form as subject matter. Drawing in various media directly from the figure. Prerequisite: ART 1100.

ART 3010: Third-Year Seminar in Art (1sh)

This course reinforces objectives introduced in previous major coursework and prepares them for the advanced work of the Fourth Year Seminar in Art. Students build community through discussion and development of work for a focused third-year project. The course will deal with such topics as preparations for professional shows, organizing and mounting art exhibitions, and development of professional documents.

ART 3020 Painting II (2 or 4 sh)

Intermediate study of painting in both oils and acrylics. Study of the history of painting included. Prerequisite: ART 2020.

ART 3030 Sculptural Practices II (2 or 4 sh)

Intermediate study of spatial arts. Prerequisite: ART 2030.

ART 3040 Intermediate Printmaking (2 or 4 sh)

Intermediate study of printmaking. Prerequisite: ART 2040, ART 2050.

ART 3060 Photography II (2 or 4 sh)

Intermediate studies in digital photography and alternative processes, as well as photographic theory and criticism. Prerequisite: ART 2060.

ART 3081 Digital Illustration (2 sh)

This class familiarizes students with the vocabulary, tools, and methods of vector-based drawing and reinforces ties to traditional media. Advanced concept in illustration software programs. Prerequisite: ART 1030, ART 1100, ART 2080.

ART 3082 Digital Imaging (2 sh)

This class familiarizes students with the vocabulary, tools and methods of raster-based drawing and photo editing, and reinforces ties to traditional media. Advanced concepts in photo editing programs. Prerequisite: ART 1100, ART 2080.

ART 3100 Drawing III (2 or 4 sh) GE

Advanced study of figure drawing. This is a studio course that incorporates discussion of assigned readings and investigates the conceptual aspects of drawing. The course includes the use of the computer. Prerequisite: ART 1100.

ART 3260 Methods in Art for Elementary Teachers (1 sh)

This course will consist of methods of teaching art in the elementary school. Emphasis will be placed on both the theoretical and the practical information and skills essential for the teaching of art. Prerequisite: EDUC 2130, EDUC 2140, EDUC 2145, EDUC 2155.

ART 3390 Methods and Materials for Teaching Art K-8 (2 sh)

Lesson planning, methods, and material selection for teaching art in the elementary school. Integration with the program of regular classroom teacher as well as planning for an entire art curriculum for elementary students. Prerequisite: EDUC 2130, EDUC 2140, EDUC 2145, EDUC 2155.

ART 3500 Introduction to Arts Management (2 sh)

An introductory arts management course that will approach a broad range of topics related to the nonprofit arts sector. The course will include lectures, discussions, readings, guest speakers, and visits to arts organizations in the region. Prerequisite: BSE 2211, NONP 3710.

ART 3910 Topics in Art (2 or 4 sh)

Investigation of a selected subject in art.

ART 3911 Topics in Art History (2 sh)

Investigation of a selected subject in art history. This seminar is designed to allow in-depth examination of selected topics from the history of art. The course may focus on thematic study of artists and artworks from multiple regions and/or periods.

ART 4000 Departmental Honors in Art (4 or 8 sh)

A special directed study course for the qualified student in either a studio or art history subject.

ART 4010 Fourth-Year Seminar in Art I (2 sh)

This course provides a culminating experience for the art major. It will help art students prepare for a professional life by supporting and directing the development of a focused fourth-year project. The course will deal with such topics as preparations for professional shows, integration of theory and practice, integration of art historical precedent, organizing and mounting art exhibitions, and development of a professional portfolio.

ART 4011 Fourth-Year Seminar in Art II (2 sh)

A continuation of the fourth-year seminar. Prerequisite: ART 4010.

ART 4020 Advanced Painting (2 or 4 sh)

Advanced study of painting. Prerequisite: ART 3020.

ART 4030 Sculptural Practices III (2 or 4 sh)

Advanced study of sculpture. Prerequisite: ART 3030.

ART 4050 Advanced Printmaking III (2 or 4sh)

Advanced study of printmaking. Prerequisite: ART 3040.

ART 4060 Photography III (2 or 4 sh)

Advanced study of photography. Repeatable. Prerequisite: ART 3060.

ART 4910 Independent Study in Art (1-4 sh)

The fourth-year students majoring in art may do additional work in history of art or in one of the applied fields.

ART 4930 Directed Research (2 or 4 sh)

Students will work under the direction of an art faculty mentor on an advanced research project. Permission of the faculty mentor is required prior to enrollment in this course. This course may be repeated, though the department may limit the number of credit hours this course satisfies towards the major. Please see the departmental degree requirements for details. Students must be declared art majors with Junior or Senior status and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

ART 4970 Internship in Art (1-4 sh)

An apprentice experience in the professional world of art. The University has a working arrangement with several design studios, offices, and advertising agencies. Please refer to the Internship Section of the catalog for further internship requirements and guidelines.