BSE Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

BSE 2110 Financial Accounting (4 sh)

A study of generally accepted accounting principles and techniques for measurement and reporting of financial information in a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. It includes an introduction to analysis and interpretation of financial data for decision-making purposes.

BSE 2120 Managerial Accounting (2 sh)

A study of managerial accounting concepts relevant to decision- making. Topics include cost accounting systems, the nature of costs, standard costs, and budgeting. Prerequisite: BSE 2110.

BSE 2211 Principles of Macroeconomics (4 sh) GE

An introduction to basic economic concepts and models. An aggregate and analytical view of economic analysis focusing on national income, employment, the price level, and economic growth. The theory of income determination, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and the international economy. Current issues and policies in macroeconomics including studies on labor force and job structure. Historical review and development of economic doctrines.

BSE 2212 Principles of Microeconomics (4 sh)

Development of the fundamental analytical tools of microeconomics analysis. Presentation of the concepts of the market, consumer behavior, and the behavior of the firm. The theory of production and cost, market structures, and distribution theory. Current issues and policies related to exchange and resource allocation, decisions on choice, and income distribution in markets. Historical perspectives on income distribution and industry structure.

BSE 2310 Foundations of Finance (4 sh)

An introduction to finance. The study includes a discussion of basic concepts, including accounting statements, security markets, interest rates, taxes, risk analysis, time value of money, and the basics of security valuation. It includes how financial managers can help maximize their firm’s values by improving decisions in such areas as capital budgeting, choice of capital structure, and working capital management. Prerequisite: BSE 2110.

BSE 2510 Operations Management and Information Technology (4 sh)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software such as SAP and Oracle will be introduced through the study of Operations Management. Operations Management today relies on ERP systems for all planning and customer service in most large organizations. The topics of forecasting, materials management, production planning and execution, logistics scheduling and execution, and order management and fulfillment will be studied in the context of ERP systems. Other topics will include make-buy decision making as well as introductions to quality management and linear programming.

BSE 2520 Business Law (2 sh)

The legal process surrounding civil dispute resolution, including intentional torts, negligence, and ethical standards. Introduction to contracts, mutual assent, contractual capacity, and Uniform Commercial Code. Will also focus on the relationship of principal and agent; duties, rights, and liabilities of partnerships; the nature, formation, and powers of corporations.

BSE 2540 Business Communication (2 sh)

This course emphasizes the importance of communicating effectively and ethically in the workplace. Emphasis will be placed on multiple modes of communication; written, oral, and, non-verbal. Students will provide resumes developed through the Career Development Office programming to assess readiness for personal interviewing. Strategies for professional presentation methods such as Prezi or PowerPoint will be explored. Business writing will also include an executive summary of a persuasive speech, sales pitch, or fundraising request using qualitative and quantitative data.

BSE 2550 Introduction to Information Systems (4 sh)

This course will provide an introduction to information systems (IS). It will cover an overview of IS, the structure and management of data, and the impact of IS in business and related enterprises. Within businesses and enterprises, the course will focus on critical primary and support business processes and how IS enables and drives performance to become more efficient and effective. The course will also address personal productivity, the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), data management, e-commerce, business intelligence, cyber security, shared service organizations as well as IS investment and management.

BSE 2610 Foundations of Marketing (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the marketing function in private and public organizations, designed to provide students with an overview of marketing concepts, tools, and methods of analysis. The course takes a practical, managerial approach to managing the marketing process. Steps in the marketing process, including market research, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the four P’s (product, place, price, promotion) are explored, along with concepts of customer value and satisfaction, competitive analysis, brand strategy, consumer behavior, advertising, and the impact of the internet on marketing strategy and implementation.

BSE 2620 Introduction to Advertising (2 sh)

This course provides an introduction to principles, techniques and tools of advertising. Key topics include media planning and strategy; creative development; customer research and campaign evaluation; and account management. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 2810 Introduction to Sport Management (4 sh)

This course introduces and discusses the meaning of sport management in terms of its scope, principles, issues, and future trends. In addition, the course examines the job responsibilities and competencies required of sport managers in a variety of sports or sports-related organizations to acquaint students with the role of sport administrators as well as the career opportunities within the industry. Finally, the course provides the student with an overview of the different issues sports managers will be faced with such as: consumer behavior, public relations, budgeting, facility and event management.

BSE 3110 Intermediate Accounting I (4 sh)

Application of accounting theory and concepts to financial accounting. Focuses on the conceptual framework underlying financial accounting, measurement and recognition of assets and liabilities. Prerequisite: BSE 2110.

BSE 3120 Intermediate Accounting II (4 sh)

A continuation of the application of accounting theory to financial accounting. Topics include the complexities involved in revenue recognition, including accounting for leases, income taxes, pensions, and accounting changes and errors. Prerequisite: BSE 3110.

BSE 3150 Individual Tax Accounting (2 sh)

A study of the political, economic, and social influences on federal income tax legislation. The course covers decisions related to individual taxation, including income, deductions, property transactions, and employee tax issues. Prerequisite: BSE 2110.

BSE 3160 Auditing (4 sh)

A study of generally accepted auditing standards, audit procedures, internal control procedures, professional ethics, auditors’ legal responsibility, working papers, and report writing. Prerequisite: BSE 3120.

BSE 3170 Advanced Accounting (4 sh)

A study of special accounting topics including consolidations and mergers; governmental and nonprofit accounting. Prerequisite: BSE 3120.

BSE 3180 Accounting Research and Analysis (2 sh)

In this course students will learn ways in which to research various accounting issues using authoritative databases. Using a case study format, students will research accounting issues and communicate the results both in written and oral format. Prerequisite: BSE 3110.

BSE 3210 Intermediate Microeconomics (4 sh)

Intermediate microeconomics focusing on resource allocation and price determination in markets. Analyzes consumers and business firms as decision-making units. Emphasis on mathematical methods including calculus and optimization techniques. Applications of contemporary economic analysis related to business decisions. Prerequisite: BSE 2212.

BSE 3220 Intermediate Macroeconomics (4 sh)

The analysis of the aggregate economy. Presentation of national income accounting and the theory of income determination.

Macroeconomics model building using IS and LM, theories of investment, growth, and the international economy.

Economic fluctuations, monetary theory and policy, and fiscal policy. Mathematical applications and analysis of current data. Application and analysis for business decision-making. Prerequisite: BSE 2211.

BSE 3250 Development of Economic Thought (4 sh)

Presents the development of economic analysis. Relates economic conditions and the role of economic thought in historical context. Evaluates schools of economic thought, Mercantilism, Physiocracy, Classicism, and Keynesianism. Primary sources are used to present significant writers, such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, J.S. Mill, and J.M. Keynes. Current writers and topics of debate including unemployment, labor markets, inflation, income, and economic growth are analyzed. A service-learning project is included which provides the basis for application of economic concepts to solving contemporary problems. This project also provides the opportunity for research and data collection. Prerequisite: BSE 2212.

BSE 3310 Investments and Portfolio Management (4 sh)

This course is about investing in securities. It is aimed at providing a comprehensive introduction to the areas of investments and portfolio management. It approaches investing as a rational decision-making process in which the investor attempts to select a package or portfolio of securities that meets a predetermined set of goals. These investor goals are expressed in terms of return and the degree of uncertainty about the return or risk. More return is desirable; more risk is undesirable. Prerequisite: BSE 2310.

BSE 3330 International Finance (4 sh)

In this course we are concerned with financial management in an international setting. We are living in a highly globalized and integrated world economy. American consumers routinely purchase from foreign companies. People from around the world, in turn, purchase American-made products. In the financial markets, there have been developments that allow for integration. This allows investors to diversify their portfolios internationally. This global shift is in marked contrast to twenty years ago. The students of today must understand inter- national finance to compete in the marketplace. Prerequisite: BSE 2310.

BSE 3350 Financial Statements Analysis and Modeling (4 sh)

This course covers advanced topics necessary for corporate financial management. Topics will include financial statement analysis, capital structure decisions, cash flow budgeting, corporate governance structure, and mergers and acquisitions. Students will calculate firm valuation using both discounted cash flows and multiples methodologies. Skill development includes the construction of pro-forma Excel models used for strategic decision-making. Prerequisite: BSE 2310.

BSE 3510 Public Relations & Corporate Communication (2 sh)

This course covers public relations and corporate communications strategies. Topics include agency management, crisis strategies, personnel strategies, branding, and ethics. Analysis and writing of print, electronic, and oral messages to achieve organizational objectives i.e., writing backgrounders, boiler plates, fact sheets, press releases, speeches, newsletters, brochures, feature stories, annual reports, and intro bytes. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3520 Principles of Management and Leadership (4 sh) GE

This course addresses the principles of management and leadership along with their historical underpinnings. The scope of the course includes managerial (i.e. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) and leader (i.e. process, influence, context, attainment, shared experience) function and responsibility; effective and ethical manager and leader characteristics. Particular attention is paid to issues of gender and cultural diversity. Application of the above theory is practiced throughout the course in the form of project-based teams, self-management activities, assessments, authentic leadership development, presentations, and introductory level scholarly research using APA (American Psychological Association) style for research writing. Prerequisite: BSE 2110, BSE 2211, BSE 2610.

BSE 3525 Principles of Organizational Behavior (2 sh)

This course provides an introduction to the principles and theories related to individuals and groups in the workplace, including employee motivation and processes for satisfying needs, strategies for effectively deploying people within the organizational structure, and creating an organizational culture to achieve the goals of managers and employees.

BSE 3530 Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship (4 sh)

Application of management concepts and techniques to the small firm. Special attention will be given to the particular nature, opportunities, needs, and problems of small manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and service firms. Topics include comparison of similarities, differences, and relations between small and large firms; the role/skills of the entrepreneur, the impact of small firms on the economy; intrapreneurship in larger firms, evaluation of business ideas and target markets; issues and methods of starting a small firm; risk and venture management for small firms, and venture financing. The course culminates with the oral and written presentation of a business plan for a new or existing small business. Prerequisite: BSE 2110, BSE 2310, BSE 2610.

BSE 3540 Team and Group Dynamics (4 sh)

This course examines the theoretical underpinning of team development and the interplay of group interactions inherent in organizational settings. Students will participate in simulated activities to become familiarized with conflict resolution strategies, and model the processes of initiating, cultivating, and maintaining team efficiency and effectiveness. Special attention will be given to developing soft-skills namely, emotional intelligence, building rapport and trust, persuasion, and perception management. Using an action-learning model, portions of classroom time will function as a laboratory, where students will work in teams to address real organizational or societal problems that will culminate in a signature team project and presentation at the end of the term.

BSE 3550 Introduction to Human Resource Management (2 sh)

This course explores fundamental concepts and practices as they apply to the management of human resources within organizations, including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance evaluation, and compensation of employees as well as legal issues in personnel management. Prerequisite: BSE 3520.

BSE 3610 Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior (4 sh)

An introduction to marketing research strategies and consumer behavior models. Students identify consumer needs and desires. Qualitative research techniques: research design, sampling, statistical analysis, focus group interviews, demographic analysis, sensory and perpetual analysis, attitude analysis, and psychographics are investigated. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3620 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy (4 sh)

An analysis of marketing communication with an emphasis on business communication. Marketing decisions concerning message design, target markets, and media audiences. Evaluation of media vehicles, perceptual, social, cultural, and technological determinants of message and writing form, style, and content. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3624 Integrated Marketing Communication Execution (4 sh)

Advanced study of the creative advertising process, both theoretical and practical. The development of creative strategies for products and services, demonstration of copy platforms, review of various execution approaches, and instruction in writing skills needed for the development of headlines, subhead, body copy and scripts. Advertisements, including rough layouts and storyboards, are crafted. Students develop and prepare creative portfolios in preparation for entering the creative areas of the advertising industry. Prerequisite: BSE 2610, BSE 3620.

BSE 3630 Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management (2 sh)

An analysis of marketing channels as systems of interrelated and interdependent organizations engaged in marketing goods and services to industrial, institutional, or household consumers. Behavioral dimensions of channel relations such as communication procedures, roles of channel members, and conflicts within the distribution network are discussed. Construction of effective and efficient distribution networks of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, transportation, and Internet based firms are emphasized. In particular, this course focuses on retail management and Internet marketing management. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3650 International Marketing (2 sh)

Challenges facing companies that enter and operate in foreign markets. International marketing objectives, strategies, and policies are investigated, with an emphasis on foreign market selection. Corporate adaptation of products, distribution channels, and communications to fit each foreign market is addressed. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3660 Principles of Professional Selling (4 sh)

This course provides an introduction to principles, theories and techniques predominantly related to professional selling in a for profit or nonprofit business to business environment. Emphasis is placed on each step of the selling process, differences between inside and outside selling practices, and ethical considerations inherent to the profession. Students will participate in a variety of interactive activities and roleplay exercises.

BSE 3670 Introduction to Interactive Marketing (4 sh)

This course provides an introduction to principles, techniques and tools related to interactive marketing in the for-profit and nonprofit environments. Emphasis is placed on search engine marketing and optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM). Students will learn how to utilize data and technology to create a long-standing relationship with customers. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3830 Sport Finance and Operations (4 sh)

This course is designed to inform and educate the student on issues within finance, accounting and risk management applied to managers of sports organizations. Included are forms of ownership, taxation, financial analysis, fund-raising, licensing, and current legal issues. Prerequisite BSE 2110, BSE 2120, BSE 2310, BSE 2510, BSE 2520, BSE 2810.

BSE 3840 Sport Marketing and Sales (4 sh)

This course focuses on the strategic role of marketing programs and sales techniques in generating sports business revenue. Through application of specific marketing tools and frameworks, students will gain skills necessary to: identify revenue-generating opportunities, develop criteria to compare and analyze alternatives, and lastly, make strategically sound business decision in the sports business context. Prerequisite: BSE 2610.

BSE 3910 Topics in Business and Nonprofit Management (2 sh)

An intensive investigation of a selected topic in business, economics or nonprofit management. Extensive reading and research expected. Seminar format. Prerequisite: BSE 2211.

BSE 3920 Advanced Topics in Business (1-4 sh)

This is a topics course allowing the School of Business to grant undergraduate credit for selected graduate courses taken through SBNM.

BSE 4000 Department Honors in Business (4 sh)

Honors independent study in Business.

BSE 4520 Strategic Management (4 sh)

This is the capstone course of the undergraduate business curriculum. As such it will synthesize the various disciplines of management and address the overall determination of strategic direction for the business organization. The student will begin by investigating the basics of human behavior in organizations and apply this theory to the organizational decision-making process. Emphasis will be on the five steps of strategic management: mission determination, environmental analysis, organizational analysis, strategy selection, and organizational implementation. Students will have an opportunity to participate in a computer simulation of a business organization, which requires them to synthesize the various disciplines they have studied throughout their undergraduate curriculum. Prerequisite: BSE 2110, BSE 2120, BSE 2211, BSE 2212, BSE 2310, BSE 2510, BSE 2610, BSE 3520.

BSE 4910 Independent Study in Business (1-4 sh)

BSE 4930 Directed Research in Business (2-4 sh)

Students will work under the direction of a faculty mentor on a novel research project. Permission of the faculty mentor is required prior to enrollment in this course. Course may be repeated.

BSE 4970 Internship in Business (1-8 sh)

The Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience and to explore career options in their chosen field. The student earns a minimum of 1 semester hour for their internship. A maximum of 8 semester hours may apply toward graduation. The internship program is open to any North Park student who has completed at least one full year of study at North Park, has third- or fourth-year status and has a minimum GPA of 2.5 in their major. In addition, the student must apply and be accepted by a faculty sponsor and the Internship Committee. The faculty sponsor will monitor the student’s progress throughout the internship, including meeting periodically with the student and maintaining contact with the site supervisor. During the course of the internship, interns must fulfill certain requirements. Interns will keep a daily journal of their activities throughout the internship. The faculty sponsor and the site supervisor may, at their discretion, assign certain reading materials to the intern. In addition, the faculty sponsor may assign a final paper. Finally, the intern must work for a minimum of 15 hours per week for one semester. Tuition is charged at the same rate as for other courses, based on the number of semester hours the student is requesting. Grading for all internships is Pass/Fail.

BSE 4971 Documented Work Experience (0 sh)