B.M.E. (Bachelor of Music Education)

Major requirements

Required semester hours: 59 sh in music; 38 sh in education

Course requirements

Prerequisites and supporting courses (4 sh)

MUS 2060

Required core courses

Music (48 sh)

Music History (8 sh): MUS 3010, MUS 3020; one from MUS 2050, MUS 3075, or MUS 3910 (when the topic is music history focused)

Theory (22 sh): MUS 1080, MUS 1110, MUS 1120, MUS 2110, MUS 2120, MUS 2130, MUS 2140, MUS 3130, MUS 3140, and MUS 4160

Performance Practica (6 sh): MUS 0100 (7 semesters), Keyboard Skills: MUS 1040 Level IV Proficiency; MUS 2970, MUS 3170, and MUS 3180

Ensemble (0 sh): Required 7 semesters in MUS 0700, MUS 0725, MUS 0750, MUS 0800 or MUS 0810. Students are strongly encouraged and advised to participate in Gospel Choir and Chamber Ensembles.

Applied Music (12 sh): Voice track (voice 9sh, piano 3sh), Piano track (piano 9sh, voice 3sh), Instrumental track (instrumental 9sh, voice 1sh, piano 2sh)

Music Education (11 sh)

All Majors: MUS 3307, MUS 3408, MUS 3409; Three of the following: MUS 2080, MUS 2081, MUS 2082, MUS 2083, MUS 2084

Voice and Piano Majors: MUS 2401, MUS 2402, MUS 3401, MUS 3402

Instrumental Majors: MUS 3080, MUS 3081, MUS 3082, and MUS 3083 Professional Education (38 sh)

EDUC 2120, EDUC 2130, EDUC 2140, EDUC 2145, EDUC 3011, EDUC 3130, EDUC 3170, EDUC 3315, EDUC 3430, EDUC 3510, EDUC 3520, EDUC 4130 and EDUC 4600 See Education Department section of the catalog for course descriptions.; MUS 2155

General Education

(NPU and State of Illinois) Refer to School of Education catalog section.