Traditional Undergraduate Billing and Financial Aid Billing Policies

  1. Tuition, fees, room, and board are billed in advance of each semester and are payable on specified due dates. Payment may be made by check, e-check, cash, or credit card.
  2. All students are assigned to a 12-month payment plan beginning prior to the start of the semester. Payments are due at the 15th of the month. Contact the Center for Student Engagement at (773)244-5737 for more information.
  3. Students with outstanding balances are not allowed to register for a new semester until all amounts from prior semesters are paid in full or satisfactory arrangements are in place (i.e., approved student loan or other financial aid is pending).
  4. If payment is not made in full or satisfactory arrangements are not in place by the due date, a late fee will be applied to the student’s account.
  5. A finance charge of 1.5 percent per month is added to unpaid balances.
  6. Student accounts that become delinquent may be submitted to a collection agency. As a part of normal procedures, collection agencies report defaulted accounts to National Credit Bureaus. Students will be responsible for expenses incurred during the collection agency process.
  7. To reserve an assigned space in University housing, a housing deposit is required of each new student accepted for housing. This is held by Office of Residence Life and Housing as a damage deposit and does not appear as a credit on the bill.

Tuition and Fees Policies

Students who withdraw prior to the start of a semester, or before the end of the first week of a semester, will not be charged tuition and fees. Students who withdraw after the start of the second week of a semester will be charged tuition and fees based on the following schedule (assuming a 16-week semester):

Withdrawal Before the End of Week Number Tuition Charge
Two 20%
Three 40%
Four 50%

Enrollment beyond the fourth week of the semester results in the entire charge of tuition and fees for that semester.

Room and Board charges are refundable as follows:

  • 100% refundable through the end of the first week of the semester
  • 80% refundable after the first week and before the end of the second week
  • 60% refundable after the second week and before the end of the third week
  • 50% refundable after the third week but before the end of the fourth week
  • No refund after the end of the fourth week of the semester

Students who receive federal financial assistance and who withdraw must have a portion of that aid reduced in accordance with federal regulations.

In addition, students who withdraw prior to the end of a semester and who have received a cash disbursement from certain federal assistance programs must undergo a review to determine if a repayment of federal funds is due. First-time students at North Park who receive federal assistance and who withdraw before the end of the term may be subject to additional refunding in accordance with federal regulations.

North Park reserves the right to revise charges and billing policies at any time.