Transfer Students

Students who have graduated from high school and studied at another post-secondary institution are welcome to apply to for admission to North Park University as transfer students.

An applicant who has twelve (12) or more transferable hours, based on a transcript evaluation by North Park, will be considered a transfer student. An applicant with less than twelve (12) transferable hours, based on a transcript evaluation by North Park, will be considered a first-year student. Applicants who have attempted twelve (12) or more hours but, because of failing grades in those classes, do not meet the minimum requirement for transferable credits may be denied admission.

Admission Criteria

In evaluating transfer applications for admission, the University considers a set of indicators that predict the likelihood of success at the University. These include the following:

  • Transferable GPA: North Park requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale) on 12 or more transferable credit hours, as evaluated by North Park University.
    1. If transferable GPA is under 2.5, an applicant may be asked to provide high school transcripts and ACT/SAT test scores, if graduation from high school was within two years.
    2. Classes that will not transfer include, but are not limited to, the following: nursing courses, athletic training courses, remedial (below 100 level or 1000 level) courses, technical / job training courses, school-specific courses, activity courses, and graduate school classes.
    3. Some programs, such as nursing, athletic training, and education, have additional and higher entrance requirements.
    4. Some courses may be transferable as electives but not count toward general education, program, or major requirements.
  • Essay on topics specified on the application form.
  • Demonstrated interest in North Park University.
  • Alignment with the mission of the University.
  • Activities and involvements that reflect initiative, leadership, and personal character and values.

Materials Required for Transfer Applicant Consideration

The following materials must be submitted to North Park University’s Office of Undergraduate Admission prior to an admission decision. Credentials submitted in support of an application become the property of North Park University and are not returned.

  • Completed application form, including an essay or personal statement (if requested).
  • Complete official transcripts from each college or university attended.
  • Other materials as requested, including high school transcript or ACT/SAT scores.
  • Personal interview, as requested.
  • Application fee.

Transfer of Credit Earned Prior to Attending North Park University

North Park University accepts all courses offered by any regionally accredited institution as long as the coursework is in some way equivalent to what North Park University offers or is consistent with the liberal arts nature of the University.

Transfer of credit is evaluated chronologically; transfer of credit from a two-year college is limited to 60 semester hours. Credit for work completed beyond this total must be from a bachelor’s degree- granting institution. Transfer of credit from a bachelor’s degree- granting institution is limited to 90 semester hours.

Courses taken from regionally non-accredited institutions of learning may be considered for transfer credit if they are consonant with the general liberal arts tradition in higher education (i.e., excluding courses in non-accredited institutions of higher education whose content is exclusively vocational or technical, such as bookkeeping, cosmetology, ministry, culinary arts, or engineering technology).

If courses from non-accredited institutions are accepted provisionally, 30 semester hours of work at North Park with a grade of C or better must be completed before the non-accredited transfer work will be credited to the student’s record.

Remedial courses, as so labeled by these institutions, are exempt from this policy unless judged by the Office of the Registrar (Office of the Registrar) to be equivalent to those offered at North Park and accepted for credit. Transfer students are expected to fulfill the same degree requirements as students starting at North Park.

Courses transferred may apply to degree requirements in one of the following categories.

  • The fulfillment of Core Curriculum requirements will be assessed by the Office of the Registrar as part of its initial transcript evaluation.
  • The fulfillment of requirements in a major will be determined by the major department as part of the major declaration process.
  • All other courses will count as electives in fulfillment of the 120 semester hour graduation requirement.

All transferred courses will be recorded with the grade received, but for purposes of the student’s grade point average at North Park will be considered a “P” (pass).

Students must submit final, official transcripts from all post- secondary institutions attended. Failure to do so may be grounds for dismissal from the University. Transcripts must have been issued within the last calendar year and must be received by North Park University in a sealed envelope. Until final and official transcripts are received by the Office of the Registrar, all evaluations will be considered provisional.

Courses that are judged non-transferable may be disputed by appeal through the Registrar who, in consultation with the department head in the appropriate field (if applicable), will attempt to reach a satisfactory judgment. Appeals must be made in the first semester of enrollment.