B.A. in Global Studies

Major requirements

Required semester hours: 36 sh

Course requirements:

Supporting courses (up to 12 sh):

BSE 2211

Foreign Language any modern language at the 2020 (intermediate II) level

Foreign Study Experience: A minimum of one quad of full-time study in an approved program in another country where the second language is spoken. Programs shorter than 8 weeks must have advisor approval.

Required core courses:

12 sh GLBS 2130, 3000 (total of four times), 4000 Perspectives (24 sh, with a minimum of 4 sh from each group)


POGO 2200, POGO 2300, POGO 3210, POGO 3230

Historical and Religious:

BTS 2700; HIST 2210, HIST 2260, HIST 3460, HIST 3591


BIOL 1180; CHEM 1011; PHEN 1030


COMM 2350; CTS 3000, CTS 3400; ENG 2040, ENG 3260; PHIL 2910; SOC 2090, SOC 3310, SOC 3800.

Approved perspectives courses in any group may be taken during the study abroad experience.

GBLS 2130 Between Worlds: Introduction to Global Studies (4 sh)

In our increasingly global world, many students plan to live and work in different parts of the world and to be otherwise engaged with the increasing integration of societies worldwide. This course will introduce students to essential concepts of global studies to enable them to better understand the effects of globalization on peoples, nations, regions, and the world.

GBLS 4910 Independent Study in Global Studies (1-4 sh)

A course of independent research that can be applied to the regional study or the capstone requirement with the consent of the Global Studies Advisor.

GBLS 4970 Internship in Global Studies (2-4 sh)

Students work on a local project that clearly reflects a global/ international dimension.