B.A. in Spanish

Major requirements

Required semester hours: 36 sh

Course requirements

Required core courses

SPAN 1010, SPAN 1020, SPAN 2010, SPAN 2020, SPAN 4010, SPAN 4901; one of SPAN 3150 or SPAN 3930;

two from SPAN 3100, SPAN 3200, SPAN 3300, SPAN 3400; and one of the following:

SPAN 2040, SPAN 3160, or SPAN 3170.

Majors are required to participate in an approved foreign study program in Spanish, such as the winter program in Cuenca, Ecuador. The study abroad requirement may be waived for heritage speakers by substituting a minimum of 4 sh of SPAN 4970 Internship in Community Spanish.


Students may choose any additional courses above SPAN 2020 as electives to bring the total of semester hours for the major to 36.

Notes and restrictions

SPAN 2130 does not count toward the major. in Spanish but will count toward a minor in Latino and Latin American Studies, which is recommended.

In addition to the major requirements, secondary education students must take SPAN 3150; SPAN 2040; and either SPAN 3160 or SPAN 3170; and must pass the Oral Proficiency Interview at the high intermediate level.


Students with a GPA of at least 3.5 may apply for Departmental Honors in Spanish. During their fourth year, they will enroll in SPAN 4000 (4 sh). For general Departmental Honors requirements and description of SPAN 4000, see appropriate sections of this catalog.