Advertising (ADV)

The advertising major at North Park is an interdisciplinary major which integrates the resources of three departments: School of Business and Nonprofit Management, Communication Arts, and Art. Students in this major will take courses from each of these departments as core requirements. The purpose of this program is to broadly prepare students for a career in advertising and communication. The Bachelor of Art program is designed to give each student an interactive understanding and synthesis of the three areas that contribute to the field. Students desiring more in-depth knowledge of a particular advertising specialty are advised to take additional course work as follows: creative design or audio and video production interest (BS in Advertising); account management interest (additional BSE courses and marketing courses), marketing research or consumer behavior interest (additional marketing and psychology courses). The Bachelor of Science program is recommended for students desiring a creative career in advertising. In BA and BS programs, students will be exposed to the ethical issues that are encountered in the field and are expected to develop the value sensitivity that will help them make responsible value judgments about advertising and the broader communications arena.

For admittance into the major, an overall GPA of 2.5 and a C- or better in BSE 2610 is required. A GPA of 2.5 in the major courses is required for graduation from the university with this major. Students dropping below 2.5 in the major are required to meet with their advisor to develop a plan to repeat courses to bring up their GPA before taking additional courses. The dean of the School of Business and Nonprofit Management must approve the plan. Students failing to complete their plan successfully are subject to dismissal from the major.