French (FREN)

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

FREN 1010 Basic French I (4 sh) GE

Introduction to contemporary French language and French and Francophone cultures through real-world learning materials relating to everyday events. Students will learn to identify, describe, and characterize people, object, places, and events; give information and instructions; issue simple commands and requests. Taught in French. Notez bien: No credit for FREN 1010 will be granted to students who have had more than two years of high school French within the last five years.

FREN 1020 Basic French II (4 sh) GE

Companion course to FREN 1010. Students will learn to speak and write in French about past and future events; tell a story (narrate and describe using the passe compose and the impar- fait); and promise, predict, and propose simple hypotheses and conjectures. Taught in French. Prerequisite: FREN 1010.

FREN 2010 Intermediate French I (4 sh)

Intermediate course for students striving for fluency. Students will develop active vocabulary, reinforce mastery of basic grammar, deal with more complex structures (verbal phrases, subordinate clauses), and use some patterns of indirect speech (e.g., repeating or relaying messages, giving reports, summarizing). Taught in French. Prerequisite: FREN 1020.

FREN 2020 Intermediate French II (4 sh)

Companion course to FREN 2010. Students will solidify and further expand their listening and reading comprehension, and will produce a more sophisticated level of spoken and written discourse emphasizing subjective expression. Concepts covered: issuing indirect commands and requests; giving opinions; making proposals; building arguments; defending and critiquing ideas. Taught in French. Prerequisite: FREN 2010.

FREN 3910 Topics in French (4 sh)

Guided reading and discussion of a selected topic in French or Francophone literature or culture. Topics change each semester, so the course may be taken again and again. Reading comprehension tests, presentations, and essays should be expected. Taught in French. Prerequisite: FREN 3150 or professor’s permission.

FREN 4910 Independent Study in French (1-4 sh)

Advanced independent research. Open to majors in other disciplines with reading knowledge in French. Student must obtain consent of instructor and division chairperson to register for this course. Student must be of fourth year standing.