Music (MUS)

Ryan (Interim Dean), Davids, Kim, Lill, McBride, Zelle

(Bachelor of Music in Music Worship and Bachelor of Music in Performance will be discontinued as academic majors for students starting after the 2021 academic year.)

The music program of the School of Music, Art and Theatre educates students in the art of music, creating a successful path toward graduation for every student by offering challenging curricula and inspiring artistic experiences. The faculty is committed to supporting and guiding students toward realizing their potential, and acting as a resource for students as they emerge into today's entrepreneurial world of music. The program seeks to create and promote a culture of compassion through the intersection of faith and learning, heightening an awareness of civic responsibility. These goals are enhanced through city-centered experiences in Chicago, providing a wider global perspective for student exploration.

To facilitate these aims for music majors, two degrees are offered. The Bachelor of Arts in Music is a broad-based liberal arts degree with four possible concentrations. The Bachelor of Music Education (voice/piano and instrumental) is a professional program which results in K-12 licensure qualifying graduates to teach music in the Illinois public school system (pending meeting all licensure standards). All music majors must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in their academic music courses and a 3.0 in applied music. North Park University is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).

The music minor is designed to provide basic training in theory, history, aural skills, and performance and can be combined with most majors outside of music. The Certificate in Music for Social Change and Human Values is an eight-semester-hour undergraduate certificate designed for students enrolled in any degree track in music who seek more knowledge of, and experience with, the El Sistema-inspired philosophy of music instruction, and music-related social change. The Arts Management Certificate is open to any major or minor in music, art or theatre and offers ten semester hours of coursework related to leadership and management in the arts.

Application Process

As soon as possible after applying to the University, prospective music majors, minors, and students seeking teaching licensure must be evaluated for acceptance into the music program. The evaluation will consist of a theory placement exam and keyboard placement (if applicable), sight reading, and an audition. Repertoire requirements vary by instrument. See website for details.

To audition for a music scholarship, students must submit an online audition request form, and a resume. Recordings are acceptable although a live audition is preferred. If an audition is not possible on our published audition days, an individual audition date may be arranged but is not guaranteed. Auditions scheduled after our published audition dates may not receive full music scholarship consideration. Any non-music major with previous music training and experience who wishes to be considered for a music scholarship should follow the same procedure as outlined above.

Following at least one year of music study, prospective music majors must successfully complete a Sophomore Conference for acceptance into their music major of choice. At the point of the conference and beyond, students must have and maintain a minimum 2.0 overall GPA, 2.5 academic music course GPA, and 3.0 applied music GPA. Candidates in Music Education must have and maintain an overall GPA of 2.50 and a 2.75 GPA in Music and Education coursework. Additional requirements may apply. Please see the Music Student Handbook for details.


For the general requirements of the University, see the Honors section in this catalog. To be eligible for admission into the Music Honors Program the students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Students must be at least a second semester third-year student.
  2. Students must have completed all course work as prescribed by their major through the first semester of the third year.
  3. Students must have demonstrated superior accomplishment in academic and/or performance areas and a highly developed sense of individual initiative.
  4. Students must gain sponsorship of a supervising faculty member.
  5. Students must obtain an application from the Dean of the School of Music, Art and Theatre and submit it, stating the nature of the proposal, for approval by the music program. Students who meet the requirements of both the Music program and the University and successfully complete the honors project will receive a baccalaureate degree with honors.

Additional details can be found at