German (GERM)

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

GERM 1010 Basic German I (4 sh) GE

Introduction to the sound and structure of contemporary German through materials relating to everyday events. Equal emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing. No credit for GERM 1010 will be granted to students who have more than two years of high school German within the last five years.

GERM 1020 Basic German II (4 sh) GE

Conversation-oriented grammar and lexical patterns. Reading comprehension skills through primary texts. Writing assignments on German life and culture. Supplemental audio-visual presentations. Prerequisite: GERM 1010.

GERM 2010 Intermediate German I (4 sh)

Expansion of vocabulary, review of grammar, and extended involvement in conversation and writing through work on short readings about contemporary German culture. Prerequisite: GERM 1020.

GERM 2020 Intermediate German II (4 sh)

Expansion of vocabulary, review of grammar, and extended involvement in conversation and writing through work on short readings about contemporary German culture. Prerequisite: GERM 2010.

GERM 4910 Independent Study in German (2-4 sh)

Advanced level of study for material not offered in the regular curriculum. To be arranged in consultation with the chair of the Department of Modern Languages and the instructor. Prerequisite: GERM 2010 or GERM 2020.