EDUC Courses

EDUC 2120 Introduction to Teaching: Professional Responsibilities (2 sh)

This course is an introduction to the teaching profession. Topics covered include historical, philosophical, contemporary, and ethical perspectives on education as well as social and cultural expectations in teaching. In this introductory course, students are informed on the appropriate role of technology; state and national standards; policies governing education at the national, state, and local level; and careers and organizations related to teaching and education. This course also introduces students to state licensure requirements.

EDUC 2130 Educational Psychology: Classroom Environment (2 sh)

Study of the psychological aspects of human development applied to teaching and learning environment. Topics include cognitive and psycho-social development, cognitive theories, student variability, motivation, diversity, classroom management, child abuse, and problem solving. Special emphasis is placed on relating theoretical understanding of education to classroom learning environment. Prerequisite: EDUC 2140.

EDUC 2140 Curriculum: Planning and Preparation (2 sh)

Basic principles of curriculum including, planning, organizing and developing lesson plans in relation to the individual learner, the school, and the society are discussed. Historical developments and recent innovations in school curriculum, lesson planning and preparation, and instructional delivery will be analyzed. Emphasis is on planning and preparation of lesson plans according to the School of Education lesson plan template aligned with the Danielson Domains, edTPA, Illinois Learning Standards and Common Core Standards. Needs of multi- cultural and special needs students are addressed. Electronic professional portfolios will be developed.

EDUC 2145 Instruction and Assessment (2 sh)

This course introduces students to research-based instructional strategies along with basic principles and practices of classroom assessment. Special attention will be given to differentiated instruction, maximizing student engagement and learning, formative and summative assessment practices, and the use of data in classroom decision-making. Prerequisite: EDUC 2130.

EDUC 2300 Infant and Child Development (2 sh)

This course prepares pre-service teachers to gain knowledge of the general characteristics of cognitive, affective, moral, language, physical and moral development of infants, toddlers, preschool and primary age children. In addition, emphasis is on how the understanding of developmental theories, research, methods of study and developmentally appropriate assessment facilitates in creating quality of learning environment to all children. The course also explores the factors such as personality, emotional development, special needs, culture, behavior, mental health, nutrition, and adult roles influence in child development. An experiential learning component is included.

EDUC 3011 Adolescent Development in the Middle Grades and Senior High (2 sh)

A study of the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of the young and middle adolescent. Examination of developmental issues that impact the middle and senior high school, its philosophy, and its practices which are responsive to the adolescent, both cognitively and affectively. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3015 Classroom Management (0 - 1 sh)

This course presents a framework for developing effective class- room management skills. Areas of focus include establishing a classroom environment conducive to learning through planning, preparation, and procedures; monitoring and responding to student misbehavior through research-based and culturally responsive practices; and promoting a safe and accessible environment through student supports and the organization of physical space. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3130 Intercultural and Urban Education (2 sh)

This course examines the intercultural and urban dimensions of education with an intentional emphasis on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion. Historical and sociological perspectives as well as pedagogical practices and principles will frame the course to better prepare teacher candidates to understand the dynamics of urban education and prepare them to be effective educators in urban schools. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3160 Instruction in Senior High (2 sh)

This course focuses on practices, instructional methods, and professional development central to teaching at the senior high level. Some of the practices include outlining an instructional unit, using backward design for developing lessons, and creating formative and summative assessments. Instructional methods include activating prior knowledge, creating advance and nonlinguistic organizers, integrating analogies, using modeling, demonstrating metacognition, incorporating guided and independent practice, and using various levels of questioning. The role of professional development includes analyzing the lessons of National Board Certified Teachers and learning about organizations affiliated with respective subject areas. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3170 Instruction in Special K-12 Programs (2 sh)

This course focuses on practices, instructional methods, and professional development central to teaching at the senior high level for K 12 teacher candidates. Some of the practices include outlining an instructional unit, using backward design for developing lessons, and creating formative and summative assessments. Instructional methods include activating prior knowledge, creating advance and nonlinguistic organizers, integrating analogies, using modeling, demonstrating metacognition, incorporating guided and independent practice, and using various levels of questioning. The role of professional development includes analyzing the lessons of National Board Certified Teachers and learning about organizations affiliated with respective subject areas. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3180 Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood (2 sh)

Introduction to language and literacy development of young children with an emphasis on reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Emphasis will be on the appropriate knowledge of alphabetic code, phonics, vocabulary, reading comprehension, fluency, organization of print, writing, and use of both narrative and informative text and opportunities for social discourse. The students will create instructional units that apply appropriate methods, instructional strategies, understanding of student, and understanding of children's ownership of literacy development.

EDUC 3230 Science Content and Methods for the Middle Grades I (2 sh)

This course prepares candidates to teach science in the middle grades. Candidates will learn about the place of science learning in the middle grades and middle schools. This course will prepare middle grades teachers by focusing on selected science content, along with specific methods and techniques for helping middle grades students develop skills specific to the sciences. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3231 Science Content and Methods for the Middle Grades II (2 sh)

This course prepares candidates to teach science in the middle grades. Candidates will learn about the place of science learning in the middle grades and middle schools. This course will prepare middle grades teachers by having candidates review selected science content, develop unit plans, and evaluate resources Prerequisite: EDUC 3230.

EDUC 3240 Social Science Content and Methods for the Middle Grades I (2 sh)

This course prepares candidates to teach social science in the middle grades. Candidates will learn about the place of social science learning in the middle grades and middle schools. This course will prepare middle grades teachers by focusing on selected social science content, along with specific methods and techniques for helping middle grades students develop skills such as reading, discussion, and critical thinking. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3241 Social Science Content and Methods for the Middle Grades II (2 sh)

This course prepares candidates to teach social science in the middle grades. Candidates will learn about the place of social science learning in the middle grades and middle schools. This course will prepare middle grades teachers by having candidates review selected social science content, develop unit plans, and evaluate resources. Prerequisite: EDUC 3240.

EDUC 3260 Methods in Art for Elementary Teachers (1 sh)

This course will consist of methods of teaching art in the elementary school. Emphasis will be placed on both the theoretical and the practical information and skills essential for the teaching of art. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3270 Methods in Music Education for Elementary Teachers (1 sh)

Methods and techniques of teaching music by the classroom teacher at all levels in the elementary school. Special emphasis will be placed on current music educational trends. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3280 Methods of Teaching Physical Education and Health for K-8 Teachers (1 sh)

A presentation of the current trends in elementary physical education and health; human body systems and promotion of social, emotional, physical, mental and environmental health; theories and principles of health promotion and disease prevention; methodology, class organization, basic movement principles, and identifying teaching resources for physical education. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3290 Methods in Foreign Language PreK-8 (2 sh)

Lesson planning, methods, and material selection for teaching foreign language PreK - elementary school. Integration with the program of regular classroom teachers as well as planning for an entire foreign language curriculum for PreK - elementary students. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3310 Literacy Methods in Middle Grades and Senior High (2 sh)

As a literacy course in the Middle Grades and Senior High education program, this course presents an analysis of the materials and the methodologies used in reading and writing including cognitive strategies, instructional scaffolding, strategies for interacting with text and multicultural literature, writing, modification, and assessment procedures in middle grades. Teacher candidates will learn how to plan literature units and implement effective differentiated literacy instruction. Field experience with the students of the age group will be required for the course. Prerequisite: EDUC 3510.

EDUC 3315 Content Reading Methods in the Middle and Secondary Grades (2 sh)

The purpose of this course is to extend your knowledge of reading/writing, instructional strategies, methodology, and assessment procedures used in middle and secondary grades. We will explore the following content areas: evaluation of instructional materials, comprehension instruction, learning vocabulary, reading and writing across the curriculum, assessment of student progress, diversity in the classroom, and current approaches to content reading and writing. Prerequisite: EDUC 3510.

EDUC 3330 Instruction in Early Childhood I

This first instruction course explores the developmentally appropriate approaches, methods, and literacy-based instructional strategies for teaching fine arts, health, U.S. history, and geography appropriate to early childhood. The course will also emphasize SEL and management skills in classrooms along with how to communicate expression and diverse experiences. Creating units based on the understanding of the interrelation- ships in social sciences will be included in the class.

EDUC 3339 Social Science Content and Methods for the Elementary Teacher (2 sh)

This course prepares candidates to teach social science in the elementary grades. In addition to learning social science content and teaching methods appropriate to the elementary grades, candidates will strengthen their writing skills, standards-based lesson and unit planning skills, and teaching in an interdisciplinary setting. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3340 Science Content and Methods for the Elementary Teacher (2 sh)

As the first content and methods science course in the elementary program, this course allows pre-service teachers to demonstrate knowledge and teaching methods about content related to the natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, earth and space science, and physical geography). Currently the Next Generation Science Standards (2013) and Illinois Teaching Standards require students to learn specific concepts within each branch of science. This course will address and meet those content knowledge requirements. Field experience will be required for this course.


EDUC 3341 Science Content and Methods for the Elementary Teacher I (2 sh)

As the first content and methods science course in the elementary program, this course allows pre service teachers to demonstrate knowledge and teaching methods about content related to the natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, earth and space science, and physical geography). Currently the Next Generation Science Standards (2013) and Illinois Teaching Standards require students to learn specific concepts within each branch of science. This course will address and meet those content knowledge requirements.

EDUC 3345 Elementary Literacy I (2 sh)

As the first literacy method course in the elementary education program, this course prepares pre-service teachers to demonstrate the knowledge of balanced literacy in relation to reading, writing, speaking, and listening in primary grades. This course emphasizes emergent literacy, theoretical models, approaches to teaching, selecting children’s literature, state and national standards, and designing instruction. Field experience with the children of the age group will be required for the course. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3346 Elementary Literacy II (2 sh)

As the second literacy method course in the Elementary Education program, this course prepares pre-service teachers to demonstrate the knowledge of integrated approach to theory, literacy instruction, and assessment. It will offer expertise in literacy strategies, differentiated instruction, standard-based literacy lessons, construction of meaning through reading and writing, and developing literacy units. Field experience with the children of the age group will be required for the course. Prerequisite: EDUC-3345.

EDUC 3347 Integrating Literacy Into the Content Areas (2 sh)

The purpose of this course is to provide the teacher education candidate with the basic theories and skills necessary to understand the development of literacy in the content areas. One of the basic assumptions of this course is that knowledge of content and study strategies are necessary prerequisites for the teaching of reading and other literacy skills. The strategies developed in the two previous literacy courses will apply to this course. A primary goal of reading instruction is to enable the student to apply literacy skills to learning content area information. Prerequisite: EDUC 3346,

EDUC 3356 Methods in Teaching Grammar and Writing Pedagogy in Middle Grades and Senior High (2 sh)

This course examines the teaching of writing and grammar at the middle grades and senior high school level. Particular emphases are placed on teaching writing as a process, planning curricula to improve student writing, integrating best instructional practices for teaching composition and grammar, and developing effective strategies for assessing student writing. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3357 Adolescent Literature (2 sh)

This course examines literature particular to the early- and middle-adolescent reader. The primary areas of focus include exploring the purposes of adolescent or young adult literature in relationship to social, cultural, and psychological frame- works; critical practices for the selection and evaluation of literary texts; and research-based methods of instructing and supporting adolescents to become complex readers through comprehension and interpretation strategies. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3360 Instruction in Early Childhood II (2 sh)

This second instruction course prepares pre-service teachers to gain knowledge in mathematics and science content, instructional methods, and literacy-based resources to teach early child- hood. In mathematics, the emphasis is on emergent knowledge of numbers and operation, algebraic thinking, measurement of data and basic geometry. In science, the focus is on scientific inquiry on principles and knowledge of interrelationships among science. The pre-service teachers are expected to create, design, implement units that reflect the content multimodality in early childhood.

EDUC 3368 Elementary Mathematics I (2 sh)

As the first mathematics course in the elementary education program, this course prepares pre- service teachers to demonstrate knowledge of the development, use and representation of number and number system, basic operations, whole-number place value, and fraction concepts. Emphasis will be on problem solving, math equity for all children, NCTM standards, assessment, and technology for instruction. Field experience will be required for the course. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3369 Elementary Mathematics II (2 sh)

As the second mathematics course in the Elementary Education program, this course prepares pre-service teachers to demonstrate knowledge of the development, use and representation of decimal, percent, proportional reasoning, measurement, geo- metric concept, data analysis, probability, exponents, integers and real numbers. Emphasis will be on problem solving, math equity for all children, NCTM standards, assessment, and math strategies for instruction. Field experience with the children of the age group will be required for the course. Prerequisite: EDUC 3368.

EDUC 3370 Methods of Elementary Mathematics I (2 sh)

This course provides the pre-service teacher candidate opportunities to develop understanding of how elementary children think about and learn mathematics. Teacher candidates will engage in mathematical tasks and study research on how elementary children best learn mathematics. Course content includes focused analysis on the NCTM Principles and Standards and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Candidates will learn how to engage elementary students in authentic and meaningful mathematical experiences that align to national and state standards, incorporate effective instructional strategies supportive of student mathematical reasoning and problem solving, and develop student’s ability to communicate to others mathematically. This course includes a required field experience. Prerequisite: EDUC 3369.

EDUC 3371 Methods of Elementary Mathematics II (2 sh)

This is the second of the elementary methods courses for pre- service teacher candidates. Course content is designed to focus on strategies that engage elementary students in authentic and meaningful mathematical experiences through the integration of best practice in theory, curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the teaching of mathematics. This course includes a required field experience. Prerequisite: EDUC 3370.

EDUC 3380 Mathematics Methods for the Middle Grades I (2 sh)

This course focuses on the methods and techniques for mathematics instruction and assessment in the middle grades. Candidates will develop differentiated lessons and implement effective strategies through collaborative planning and peer teaching. This course will emphasize and review specific math content and skills appropriate to middle grades learners as identified in the Common Core State Standards. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3381 Mathematics Methods for the Middle Grades II (2 sh)

This course focuses on the methods and techniques for mathematics instruction and assessment in the middle grades. Candidates will develop a comprehensive, interdisciplinary unit plan and implement effective strategies through collaborative planning and peer teaching. This course will emphasize and review specific math content and skills appropriate to middle grades learners as identified in the Common Core State Standards. Prerequisite: EDUC 3380.

EDUC 3390 Methods and Materials for Teaching PreK-8 Art (2 sh)

Lesson planning, methods, and material selection for teaching art in PreK - 8. Integration with the program of regular classroom teacher as well as planning for an entire art curriculum for students PreK - 8. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3407 Methods of Teaching Middle and Senior High School (2 sh)

Specific methods and materials for teaching middle and secondary school subjects: topics and problems of general instructional media. Basic principles of instruction, preparing for teaching experiences and organizing for instruction. Regular and special populations are included. Music education majors must register for MUS 3408 and 3409 in place of this course. Prerequisite: EDUC 3510; EDUC 3160 or EDUC 3170.

EDUC 3430 Survey of Teaching Exceptional Learners (3 sh)

Survey of the psychology of the identification of, and the methods of instruction for the exceptional child, including the learning disabled, with special emphasis on characteristics and methods of instruction for cross-categorical special education students.

EDUC 3431 Characteristics of Special Needs Students (3 sh)

An introduction to the characteristics of students with specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, intellectual dis- ability, autism, traumatic brain injury, and orthopedic or other health impairments and implications of these characteristics in the educational setting and throughout the lifespan. The provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for these learners are explored as well as the definitions of the disabilities, etiologies, preventions, and interventions.

Issues related to the identification, screening, labeling, and placement of culturally and linguistically diverse students in Special Education will also be presented. Attention to past, present, and future issues and trends in the field are given. Early childhood through high school student populations are included. Leads to cross-categorical approval for early childhood, elementary, secondary and K-12 certificates when combined with EDUC 3430, EDUC 3436 and EDUC 3437. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3436 Psychological and Educational Assessment for Special Populations (3 sh)

An examination of assessment and evaluation instruments appropriate for use with special populations. Standardized, aptitude, achievement, diagnostic, and criterion reference tests will be analyzed. Validity, reliability, norming, and standard scores will be examined. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3437 Methods of Teaching Students with Special Needs (3 sh)

An introduction to the philosophies and theories underlying the variations in educational programming for students with specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, autism, traumatic brain injury, and orthopedic or other health impairments. Educational approaches and best practices used by teachers to design curriculum and instruct and assess students with disabilities will be presented. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145.

EDUC 3510 Clinical I: Teacher Aiding (1 sh)

As the first clinical experience course in the Teacher Education Program, this course requires teacher candidates to observe and teacher aide in a classroom in order to demonstrate an understanding of the classroom environment along with instructional and assessment practices. Teacher Aiding experiences include focused reflection on Danielson’s Framework for Teaching and edTPA. Candidates take this clinical twice. Prerequisite: EDUC 2145; Full Admission into the Teacher Education Program

EDUC 3520 Clinical II: Mini-Teaching and Seminar (2 sh)

Mini-teachers meet regularly with School of Education faculty to share and reflect on the experience and prepare for the edTPA. There will be a minimum of 35 hours of mini-teaching in a local school in connection with methods courses. The student must meet the required grade point average and have a receipt by the School of Education of meeting the Illinois basic skills requirement. Prerequisite: EDUC 3510.

EDUC 3540 ESL Practicum (0 or 1 sh)

The purpose of this course is to observe and assist a teacher in an ESL school setting for a minimum total of 100 clock hours. The requirements for this course may also be met through certification of three months of teaching experience with ESL students. Only those who have verification by a principal or other administrators of three months of teaching ESL students prior to entering the program may use that experience to fulfill the requirement. To be taken at the end of the five-course ESL course sequence.

EDUC 3601 Introduction to Linguistics (3 sh)

Introduction to the basic principles of linguistics, the study of human language. Origins of language; what it means to know a language; comparisons of the difficulty levels of different languages; how children acquire language and common threads that may connect languages will be explored.

EDUC 3602 Sociolinguistics and Cross-Cultural Differences (4 sh)

Exploration of various aspects of the relationship between language and society. Culture, sex differences, communities, dialects, and speech will be examined.

EDUC 3603 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL and Foreign Languages (3 sh)

Philosophical and theoretical considerations for teaching a second language. An explanation of theories as well as comparisons among the different theories of teaching a second language will be explored. The student will build a personal framework for teaching a second language. Kindergarten through high school student populations will be the focus of attention including design and sequencing of ESL courses.

EDUC 3604 Assessment of ESL and Foreign Language Students (4 sh)

Assessment techniques of ESL students. Different types of assessment instruments, the theoretical viewpoints of these instruments, and testing procedures in general will be dis- cussed. Assessment of all levels of proficiency and grade levels will be considered.

EDUC 3605 Method and Materials for Teaching ESL and Foreign Languages (4 sh)

Introduction to the various methods of teaching a second language in K-12 based on the philosophies and theories that were presented in 3603. Strategies used when working with ESL or second language students and exposure to the issues of multicultural diversity and socioeconomic diversity.

EDUC 3606 Foundations of Bilingual Education (3 sh)

This course provides the current research and theories forming the foundation of bilingual education. It examines and reviews the historical, legal, philosophical, theoretical, pedagogical, and political issues concerning bilingual education programs in the United States. It also analyzes the linguistic, psychological, social, and cultural underpinnings of current practices in the field and cultivates multicultural perspectives.

EDUC 3607 Methods and Materials for Teaching Bilingual Students (3 sh)

This course introduces various models, philosophies, and theoretical underpinnings of bilingual education for language minority students. It provides and prepares the participants with the theoretical basis, methods, and techniques needed for effective teaching in bilingual/bicultural classrooms.

EDUC 3910 Topics in Education (1-4 sh)

Intensive examination of a selected theme.

EDUC 3915 Academic Odyssey: Creating Global Classrooms Through International School Visits (2 sh)

The Academic Odyssey is a short-term study/travel course offered through the School of Education at North Park University. It is especially designed for prospective teachers seeking to strengthen social and linguistic skills needed for teaching in a multilingual and multicultural global society. By visiting local schools and interacting with students, faculty and school administration of the host country, students are exposed to an in-depth study of unique educational systems across the globe along with current forces and challenges affecting education. A special focus of the course is to examine, compare and contrast the integration of culturally and linguistically diverse student populations in each country while creating culturally responsive instructional materials and activities for the global classroom. Historical and cultural sites are also an integral part of this trip.

EDUC 3930 Family and Community Relationships (2 sh)

Exploration of the role families, schools, and community services in the education of young children. The course will also examine the social, economic, medical, financial and cultural trends that impact the partnership with families of all young children. The students will be required to design family workshops and find resources to support family, school and community.

EDUC 4000 Departmental Honors in Education (1-4 sh)

A project in a school setting emanating from a proposal that has been approved by the education department.

EDUC 4130 Student Teaching (8 sh)

Supervised observation and teaching in a school and grade level appropriate to the program and licensure endorsement sought by the candidate. The candidates will complete one 60-day (approximately 12 week) student teaching clinical experience.

The candidate must meet the required grade and GPA requirement, pass the state content-area test, and be fully admitted into the Teacher Education Program prior to beginning student teaching. Prerequisite: EDUC 3520; Additionally, EDUC 3360 for Early Childhood candidates; EDUC 3345 for Elementary candidates; EDUC 3407 for Secondary and K-12 candidates. Co-requisite: EDUC 4600.

EDUC 4600 Capstone Seminar for Student Teachers (4 sh)

As the capstone course in the teacher education program, this course enables students to create personal syntheses of their educational experiences as university students and as future educators. Students will develop their own philosophy of teaching. Students will assemble professional portfolios and prepare for teacher certification. Part of Professional Term D. Co-requisite: EDUC 4100, EDUC 4110, or EDUC 4120. Co-requisite: EDUC 4130.

EDUC 4970 Internship in Education (1-4 sh)

An assignment outside a school setting in a business or not-for- profit institution in which education is the primary goal. Please refer to the Internship section of the catalog for internship requirements and guidelines.