Minor in Biblical and Theological Studies

Minor requirements

Required semester hours: Five courses above BTS 1850

Course requirements

Two biblical studies courses

Two theological studies courses

One elective

Notes and restrictions

Up to four hours of coursework in the minor may apply to the Core Curriculum requirement in Biblical and Theological Studies.

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

BTS 1850 Introduction to the Bible (4 sh) GE

An introductory survey of the history and theology of the biblical narrative as it informs Christian faith today. Particular emphasis on the theological unity of the Bible’s message.

BTS 2110 The Pentateuch (4 sh) GE

The focus of this course is the story of biblical Israel as depicted in the first five books of the Bible, or the Pentateuch. The course will follow closely the concern of the Pentateuch for faith, particularly in relation to the covenant at Mount Sinai and the revelation of the law. Biblical Emphasis-Old Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2120 Old Testament Prophets (4 sh) GE

A historical study of the Hebrew prophets within the economic, political, and social conditions of their time. The significance of the prophetic message for the Hebrew and Christian faiths. Biblical Emphasis-Old Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2130 Old Testament Poetry and Wisdom Literature (4 sh) GE

A survey of the third major division of the Hebrew canon of the Bible, the Writings or Kethubim. The Writings are a miscellaneous collection of books important in understanding the history, faith, and practice of ancient Israel and early Judaism. This in turn is important for understanding the New Testament and the early Church. This course examines the different books of the Writings in their final, canonical form, with attention given to the various theological motifs. Different literary genres present in the collection are studied. The canonical role of the Writings as a collection is also examined. Biblical Emphasis-Old Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2210 Jesus of Nazareth (4 sh) GE

The life and teachings of Jesus studied with reference to current research. Explores the “quest for the historical Jesus,” the historicity of the gospels, and the method and message of Jesus’ teachings. Biblical Emphasis-New Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2260 Paul (4 sh) GE

A reconstruction of the life and letters of the Apostle Paul with reference to current research. Emphasis on Paul’s theology of the church (ethics, mission, spirituality) and its practical importance for today. Biblical Emphasis-New Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2310 The Land of Israel in the Biblical and Post-Biblical Periods (4 sh)

A study of the Land of Israel in biblical and early post-biblical periods from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Roman Period (13th c. BCE through 4th c. CE). The course will focus on the history of the Holy Land emphasizing Israelite, early Jewish and Christian material presence through the use of historical and archaeological sources. The study will employ multi-media resources to enhance students’ classroom experience of the Land. Biblical Emphasis-Old & New Testaments. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2400 Christian Origins from the City-Center (4 sh) GE

A study tour which will introduce students to the diverse cultural, historical and geographical settings of the earliest Christianity of the Greco-Roman world through a first-hand encounter with the material evidence in the ancient cities of Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy. The on-site exposure will provide the context for investigating the early development of the beliefs and practices that became Christianity in the diverse world of the ancient urban social settings of Roman Empire. The travel portion of the course is required.

BTS 2500 Introduction to Theology (4 sh) GE

A study of the major theological doctrines of the Christian faith, with emphasis on their integration into personal belief. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2510 Christian Ethics (4 sh) GE

A study of the moral implications of the Christian faith, with emphasis on their integration into personal belief. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2520 Christian Spirituality (4 sh) GE

An examination of the nature of Christian spirituality with emphasis on spiritual development and maturity. Relevant literature of a variety of approaches to spirituality will be introduced and evaluated. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2530 C.S. Lewis (4 sh)

A study of the life and thought of C.S. Lewis. Emphasis will be given to his religious ideas, his understanding of Christian doctrine, and his methods of commending the Christian faith by reason and imagination. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2600 History of the Church (4 sh) GE

The origin and development of Christianity in the world. Traces the institutional and doctrinal developments within the church from the post-apostolic period to the modern era. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2640 The Western Theological Tradition (4 sh) GE

A survey of the great Christian thinkers of the West from beginnings to post-modernity. Focus will be placed on distinctly Western forms of Christian thought in the Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions, with some attention to the Anabaptist and Evangelical Covenant communities, as well as to emerging feminist and underrepresented theologies.

BTS 2650 The Eastern Orthodox Theological Tradition (4 sh) GE

A survey of the great Christian thinkers of the Eastern (Orthodox) tradition from beginnings to the post-communist era. Focus will be placed on the development of classical Christian faith in the Church Fathers and Ecumenical Councils from the 2nd through 14th centuries, with some attention to contemporary Orthodox thought in the West, including its feminist voices.

BTS 2660 Eastern Orthodox Christianities (4 sh) GE

An introduction to ancient Christian communities belonging to the cultural heritage of the Middle East, and their legacies in Russia and Eastern Europe. Emphasis will be placed on the unity and diversity of their theological views, liturgical cultures and missionary histories that have shaped their present identities. The course will include guest lecturers from these communities and excursions to local churches in the Chicago area.

BTS 2700 World Religions (4 sh) GE

Study of the common features and distinctive motifs that characterize some of the main religious traditions Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and others. Emphasis on development of a methodology for reading and interpreting the world’s scriptures. Discussion of the relation of Christian to non-Christian religions. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 2840 African-American Church History and Religious Thought (4 sh)

Studies the religious thought of African-Americans employing as a frame of reference the Black Christian church from its beginning during slavery to its maturity in the present day. Includes the ideas of a variety of spiritual leaders such as Jupiter Hammon, David Walker, Marcus Garvey, Father Divine, John Perkins, James Cone, and E.V. Hill. Examines the influence of slavery, emancipation, migration, and White racism on the development of African-American religion. Cross-listed with AS 2840.

BTS 3150 The Book of Psalms (4 sh)

This course examines the characteristics of Hebrew poetry in order to study the book of Psalms according to literary types. The Psalter in its final form is studied as a coherent whole in terms of its collection and arrangement, and its varied teachings on faith and practice. Selected individual Psalms are studied in detail through exegesis of the English Bible. Biblical Emphasis-Old Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3240 Luke and Acts (4 sh) GE

A literary and exegetical study of Luke and Acts, with special attention to historical setting, ecclesiastical purpose, and theology. Biblical Emphasis-New Testament Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3250 John (4 sh) GE

A theological and exegetical study of the texts of the Fourth Gospel and the Epistles of John. Special emphasis on the unique contribution of John to biblical theology (especially Christology, eschatology, and pneumatology). Biblical Emphasis-New Testament Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3410 Women, The Bible, and The Church (4 sh) GE

A study of the Old and New Testament texts that bear on the roles and status of women. This course reflects on a wide range of historical and theological perspectives relevant to the issues of women, the Bible, and the church. Biblical Emphasis-Old and New Testament. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3510 Modern Theologians (4 sh)

Exploration of recent trends in the thinking of biblical and systematic theologians. Relevance of theology to modern issues. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3550 Philosophy of Religion (4 sh)

A seminar course on selected problems and topics in the area of philosophy of religion, e.g., the phenomenology of religious experience, the truth of religious belief, the existence and at- tributes of God. Theological Emphasis. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3910 Topics in Biblical and Theological Studies (4 sh)

An intensive investigation of a selected topic in biblical studies, theology, world religions, or philosophical theology. Extensive reading and research expected. Seminar format. Prerequisite: BTS 1850.

BTS 3920 Advanced Topics in Biblical and Theological Studies (1-4 sh)

This is a topics course allowing the BTS department to grant credit for selected courses taken at North Park Theological Seminary.

BTS 4010 Fourth-Year Seminar in Biblical and Theological Studies (4 sh)

Limited to fourth-year students majoring in biblical and theological studies, this seminar concentrates on critical reading, writing, and discussion skills. Topics of study will change annually, but in each case will explore current research and writing in biblical and theological studies.

BTS 4910 Independent Study in Biblical and Theological Studies (1-4 sh)

Intensive independent study of a topic chosen in consultation with an instructor in the Department of Biblical and Theological Studies. Student must have consent of instructor and division chairperson.

BTS 4930 Directed Research (2 or 4 sh)

Students will work under the direction of a faculty mentor on a novel research project. Permission of the faculty mentor is required prior to enrollment in this course. This course may be repeated, though the department may limit the number of credit hours this course satisfies towards the major. Please see the departmental degree requirements for details.

BTS 4970 Internship in Biblical and Theological Studies (1-4 sh)

Please refer to Internship section of the catalog for internship requirements and guidelines.