Minor in Gender Studies

Minor requirements

Required semester hours: 20 sh

Course requirements

Required core courses

GNDR 2010, GNDR 2110, GNDR 2150, GNDR 2210


4 sh from GNDR 2250, GNDR 3910, GNDR 4910; ENG 3270, ENG 3280; PSYC 3250.

GNDR 2010 The Gender Matrix (4 sh) GE

This course introduces students to gender studies by exploring gender diversity at the intersections of race, class, and other isms. It focuses on structures and systems that sustain inequalities, but also examines strategies for social justice and positive change.

GNDR 2110 Identity: Women and Femininities (4 sh)

This course explores the experiences of women and queer persons through an intersectional lens, including race, class, sexuality, and disability. Their experiences across cultures and co-cultures are emphasized.

GNDR 2150 Identity: Men and Masculinity (4 sh)

This course explores the diverse experiences of men in relation to other identity markers, such as race and class. Students will explore the constructed nature of gender and the ways in which definitions of masculinity have varied across time and cultures.

GNDR 2210 Gender, Race and Popular Culture

This course explores various types of popular culture, such as sports, celebrities, and film, emphasizing the differing portrayals of, and implications for, persons of diverse genders, races, classes, and other isms.

GNDR 3100 Gender Issues (4 sh)

Exploration of male and female gender roles in culture and society. Importance of gender in workplace, family, education, and belief systems. Analysis of power. Assessment of the contribution of feminist theories to study of gender. Cross-listed with SOC 2150.

GNDR 3910 Topics in Gender Studies (1-4 sh)

An in-depth study of a chosen topic within any discipline.

GNDR 4910 Independent Study in Gender Studies (1-4 sh)

Advanced independent research in Women’s Studies.