Minor in History

Minor requirements

Required semester hours: 20 sh

Course requirements


One of the following: HIST 2110 or HIST 2120; One of the following HIST 2200 or HIST 2210. Three courses from seminars numbered 3000 or above, chosen from at least two geographical areas. GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

HIST 1000 Global Themes in History (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the cultures, historical developments and global interactions of world history through an intense examination of one of its significant themes.

HIST 2110 United States to 1877 (4 sh)

Development of a Western civilization on the American seaboard from colonial beginnings to 1877.

HIST 2120 United States Since 1877 (4 sh)

Development of an industrial and urban society and its political, economic, social, and intellectual significance; emergence as a world power.

HIST 2200 World History to 1500 (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the cultures and historical developments of the major world regions and their global interactions from the establishment of sedentary societies to ca. 1500 C.E. This course is required of History majors.

HIST 2210 World History Since 1500 (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the cultures and historical developments of the major world regions and their global interactions from ca. 1500 C.E. to the present. This course is required of History majors.

HIST 2230 The Mediterranean World (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the cultures, historical developments and global interactions of the Ancient World, from the establishment of sedentary societies through the fourth century C.E. For students who entered prior to fall 2013.

HIST 2250 The Atlantic World (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the cultures and historical developments of the major world civilizations and their global interactions from ca. 1500 C.E. to ca. 1800 C.E.

HIST 2260 The Modern World (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the cultures and historical developments of the major world regions and their global interactions in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries.

HIST 3130 History of Rome (4 sh)

A study of the Roman world and its political, institutional, and cultural transformations from its origins through the fifth century. The course will focus in particular on the intercultural dynamics of the Empire.

HIST 3140 Society and Culture in the Middle Ages (4 sh)

An inquiry into the development of the institutional, cultural, and intellectual life of Europe from ca. 300 to ca. 1450. The course will be interdisciplinary in character.

HIST 3150 Religion in the Middle Ages (4 sh)

An examination of the religious culture, institutions, and thought of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean, with particular attention to Christian, Muslim, and Jewish interaction.

HIST 3190 Topics in Ancient and Medieval History (4 sh)

Intensive exploration of a particular theme within the area of Ancient and Medieval history. Emphasis on developing the requisite skills for historical inquiry.

HIST 3210 African History I (4 sh)

African history from earliest times to 1880. Themes include population movements, trade, state formation, slavery, and the African response to the nineteenth century revolutions.

HIST 3220 African History II (4 sh)

African history since 1880. Themes include imperialism and the partition of Africa, the establishment of colonial rule and the African response, national liberation movements, and independent Africa.

HIST 3230 Ancient Civilization of Africa (4 sh)

Early civilizations of the Nile Valley; ancient Egypt; Nubia; Kush; Ajsum; civilization of North Africa; the Phoenicians; the Greeks and Romans in North Africa; the Sahara in classical antiquity; early Christian era in Africa; the historiography of the east coast; peoples and cultures of east, central, and Southern Africa.

HIST 3240 Themes in North African History (4 sh)

The history of ancient peoples of the Maghrib; foreign invaders; development of the Trans-Saharan trade; international trade; the imperialist scramble; establishment of colonial rule and the struggle for independence; Northeastern Africa: Egypt, the Sudan, and Ethiopia.

HIST 3260 Imperialism and Nationalism in Africa (4 sh)

Examination of the nature of European Imperialism and Nationalism in Africa with emphasis on European conquest; conquest and occupation; imperialist exploitation and domination; origins and development of nationalism; triumph of the nationalist liberation movements; legacies of colonialism, nationalism and issues of development in the post-independence era.

HIST 3290 Topics in African History (4 sh)

Intensive exploration of a particular theme within the history of Africa. Emphasis on developing the requisite skills for historical inquiry.

HIST 3310 Middle East to 1453 (4 sh) GE

An inquiry into the political, cultural, religious, and institutional development of the Middle East from Constantine and the establishment of Byzantium through the rise of the Ottoman Turks.

HIST 3320 Ottoman Empire (4 sh)

Examination of the complex imperial culture, politics, institutions, and intellectual life of the Ottoman Empire and its interaction with other Middle Eastern and European powers, from 1453 to 1921. The course will focus in particular on the intercultural and interreligious dynamics of the Ottoman world.

HIST 3391 Topics in Middle Eastern History (4 sh)

Intensive exploration of a particular theme within the history of the Middle East. Emphasis on developing the requisite skills for historical inquiry.

HIST 3415 The Reformation Era (4 sh)

An inquiry into the movements to reform the Christian Church in Western Europe in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with special emphasis on Protestantism, Christian Humanism, and Catholic Reformation.

HIST 3421 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment (4 sh)

An inquiry into the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the evangelical Awakening of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

HIST 3431 The Rise of the State 1550-1789 (4 sh)

The sovereign national state is one of the unique developments of Western Civilization. This course will trace its development from the Wars of the Religion to the French Revolution.

HIST 3440 Secularization in the Nineteenth and and Twentieth Centuries (4 sh)

This course will trace the increasingly secular character of Western society from the French Revolution to the Eve of World War I. Topics will include Darwin and Evolution, Einstein and Relativity, and Marx and Communism.

HIST 3450 Twentieth Century Germany (4 sh)

A study of Germany from World War I to its reunification in the 1990s, focusing on Weimar and Nazi eras.

HIST 3460 Russia, Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe (4 sh)

The Russian political, social, and cultural tradition; the revolutions of 1917 and the emergence of Leninism and Stalinism; World War II, the eastern European empire, and the Cold War; stagnation under Brezhnev and reform and revolution in both eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the Gorbachev era.

HIST 3491 Topics in Modern European History (4 sh)

Intensive exploration of a particular theme within the history modern Europe. Emphasis on developing the requisite skills for historical inquiry.

HIST 3515 The 1960’s and American Culture (4 sh)

American social, cultural, and political history during the 1960s, including 1950s culture, popular politics, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, Youth Protest, the Counterculture, Multiculturalism, Feminism and Gay Activism.

HIST 3521 Immigration and Ethnicity in United States History (4 sh)

Analysis of the immigration waves that have shaped the American population from the colonial era to the present, including causes of migration; shifting attitudes toward immigrants; immigration policy; economic and social adjustment of newcomers; ideologies of the Melting Pot vs. cultural pluralism.

HIST 3531 Industrialization and Urbanization in Nineteenth Century America (4 sh)

America’s transformation from a geographically compact agrarian republic to an urban, industrial, transcontinental empire.

Topics include American nationalism, slavery, the growth of capitalism, urban poverty during the Gilded Age, popular literature and politics.

HIST 3540 American Religious History (4 sh)

Covers the history of American religions from the Puritan era to the present. The focus of the course will be the history of American Christianity, but will also include the development of uniquely American and world religions. Topics include Puritanism, Evangelicalism, Revivalism and Reform, Mormonism, the Civil War, fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, Immigrant religion, Roman Catholicism, Feminism, African- American voices, and the rise of the Religious Right.

HIST 3591 Topics in U.S. History (4 sh)

Intensive exploration of a particular theme within the history of the United States. Emphasis on developing the requisite skills for historical inquiry.

HIST 4000 Department Honors in History (4 sh)

Honors independent study. The student produces a paper at honors level. It must be at least “B” quality to receive honors credit. Presentation of the paper at a Spring Honors Symposium is required.

HIST 4010 Capstone Seminar (4 sh)

Capstone seminar in advanced historical research of a major integrative theme. Explicit focus on the sources of history, research methods, trends in historiography, and philosophies of history. Major paper required incorporating insights derived from the course.

HIST 4910 Independent Study in History (1-4 sh)

Intensive independent study of a topic chosen in consultation with an instructor in the Department of History.

HIST 4970 Internship in History (1-4 sh)

Please refer to internship requirements and guidelines in another section of this catalog